I find myself way too often asking the “how?” question. It’s relevant, and not wrong to ask, but is only a few layers deep. Why do I say that? Because just knowing “how” never guarantees that we’ll do it, even when we do have the instructions.
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So here we are at the head of another week, and as I was running this morning, I was thinking about the power of endurance. No, not that I’m an endurance runner by any means. I was probably reminded, reminded of the power of endurance because of the number of times I had to stop and catch my breath as I ran. But nevertheless, nevertheless, my mind went on to think about endurance and the importance of it.
And as I sat down to write again, the Holy Ghost kind of brought to my remembrance something that is very, very familiar to most of us. And that’s the parable of the Soha. And Jesus says that this seed sowing story is a bit like the cipher that unlocks our understanding of so much else that is taught in the kingdom. Jesus said this in Mark 4:13 is recorded as saying, If you can’t understand the meaning of this parable, how will you understand all of the other parables?
So clearly there’s something in here, this story of a sower sowing seed into different grounds, the story of the word of God entering the hearts of people. That really is a key that allows us insight to the working of the kingdom. But there’s one facet of this parable that I want to just shine a bit of a light on today with regard to our creative life. And it’s really the part of the story where it talks about the seed falling on shallow ground.
Yes, it’s sown on shallow soil. And this speaks really of a shallow experience of God or a cursory knowledge of his word that when challenged as soon withers away, you know, with with no root in himself, the scorching challenges of life swept in. And this particular person’s commitment to the purpose of God was really washed away in the storms of life. And, you know, so and I think that that’s why it’s so important that our creative life really does require a deep rooted why.
And just to kind of fill you in on the various rabbit trails that my mind tends to run around to arrive at the things that I write. I was actually really my eyes were opened over the last few weeks, but we’ve been facing some who. Yeah, what do you do? But, we’ve been facing some challenges over the last few weeks and I found myself asking the question how very often. And I’ve also found that in my business and in my creative life and in my desire to bring myself to the world’s table and do what I can to help and serve others and discover that alignment of my vocation and occupation so I can be occupied with the things I’m passionate about, but also ethically profit, so I can finance what’s necessary for my family, for my life, for my growth, for ministry, for giving, for charity, all of these different things.
And it’s very easy in the kind of deluge of responsibility to ask the question how? And it’s not a wrong question to ask, but it’s really only a few layers deep. And the reason I say that is because just knowing the how never really guarantees that will do it. Even when we do have the instructions. I see it so often in my own life and in the lives of people around me. Most of the time we may have a goal.
We may even state that goal in public. But then we excuse our inactivity toward fulfilling that goal by pretending that we don’t know how. I mean, we pretend very sincerely, but we use it as an excuse not to take action. And I was asking myself why I do this. You know, it’s because most of the time I’ve found in my own life that I do know the next step that I need to take. The problem is, for whatever bizarre reason, I stubbornly refuse to.
Take it, you know, the reasons for my inaction from my procrastination run deeper than just a lack of knowledge, it’s not that I don’t know how. It’s there’s something that runs deeper. When Jesus told this parable, he said of the man whose determination and commitment withered, that he did not have a root deep enough in himself. And I think that this is the thing, isn’t it? It’s not how that is weak. A lot of times it’s our why that needs the work, you know.
For example. I mean, and this is just so practical. Yeah. We know that we should exercise. Yeah. But we just simply don’t do it. We know that we should eat well, but we simply don’t do it and say it’s not the house that’s in question here. It’s the why we know we need something that prompts us to purpose from a deeper place. And the same would be true for, you know, the would be book writer.
So many people I’ve spoken to say, oh, God told me to write a book. And, you know, it begs the question, well, why if God, the king of the universe has asked you to do that, haven’t you done it? Or the Bud budding business entrepreneur? You know, he knows that they’re called to start a business and begin to take some risks and step out, but they stay within the confines of their corporate job, whatever that may be.
You know, I craving for security and defined and definite outcomes often causes us to like don binoculars and look way off in the distance. And I think that this is part of the problem. You know, let’s take fitness again as our example. But the same is true of our creative projects. And I’m sure you’ll see the correlation, you know, instead of looking just for the next step, you know, a few press ups and a jog around the block, you know, binocular vision sees some bronzed Adonis way off in the distance that we think that the world is calling us to become.
And then when we ask the question how thinking that we need to look like, you know, Arnold Schwarzenegger or the Rock or whatever, gorgeous babe you may be looking at, you know, you ladies you know, we look at this this world’s ideal. And honestly, when we ask the how, you know, it just seems impossible and is impossible most of the time because most of those pictures that you look at, let me tell you, they’re not real.
Yeah. We throw in the towel before we do our first wrap. We look in the distance and see the best selling author life that we long to lead. And we fail to just look at the first paragraph of Chapter one that we could conceivably sit down and write today. You know, and of course, I’m not wanting to minimise the power of dreaming and visionary framing of the future. All of that has power. But I’m just pointing out that sometimes these inflated expectations of what we expect of ourselves leave us floundering emotionally.
We feel ill fitted for the task and inadequate in so many respects. But and so that’s why I kind of often real things back in to, well, what can I do today? You know, I may not I may not be able to become the world’s next biggest thing, but I can certainly become bigger today than I was yesterday. You know, it makes it a little more attainable and a lot less intimidating and a lot more likely to be acted on.
And so breakthrough, I think, can come when we feed our way with this, with reality. You know why the you know, again, just picking up on the silly kind of fitness idea here, why this Adoni stream? Why the dream of the perfect life? You know, it’s really because television, magazines, media have painted such an unrealistic picture of what constitutes manhood or womanhood or success or lack of it. You know, the big dream of stage fame or musical glory prevents us from just singing a song today to the audience that presently stands before us.
The measure of the world really always will parade numbers often preceded by dollar signs as a measure of your worth, and it’s just not true. So and I think that this is why I why must run deeper than just some of the outcomes we hope for and that maybe we’re working towards. And it doesn’t make those outcomes unattainable. It doesn’t make those outcomes wrong. It just means that we can uncouple in the moment, we can uncouple from those outcomes and make decisions that just move us toward that next step and that next stage and actually understand that we are becoming there’s that there’s an identity question at work as much as there is.
What should I do? Question there’s a why work here, not just a how. You know, you are designed for a significant purpose on this planet, and it’s given by God himself, you know, and unfortunately, the world thrusts its inch deep reasons on you and me and everyone else through social media, movies, magazines, cereal packets, posters, until we until our resolve is so drowned in the noise that we can hardly hear our own heart speak.
And I ask my question, why do I write? You know, is it for the dollars and the fame? You know, and I’m exaggerating here, but you’ll understand why you ask my 15 followers if it’s for the dollars and they’ll tell you, you know, ask my bank like how the money flows out to care for my kids and my daily needs as quickly as it pours in. And they’ll let you know whether it’s fame and fortune that drives the wheels of my desire to turn up every day and share like I do.
You know, art and passion are not counted in pennies alone. Now we need the pennies. Don’t get me wrong. But again, deep, deep, deep into deep reasons. My friends, my creative Christian, blessed, anointed voices in the wilderness. I am calling you out. You know, I’m blessed to be able to say I pay my way with my words, you know, because I’m a head and heart man, not a handy one is just as well.
You can ask me to build a website or write a book, and I’m the man, but ask me to hang a shelf and, you know, you’d better have someone else’s number ready so you can call them in to rectify the disaster that I leave behind after trying to do it, you know, but once you get beyond the basics and the bills are paid, you know, you’d better be sure you have an enduring sense of purpose that goes beyond just meeting those immediate needs, you know, and then when your securities are challenged, his assets have been recently or criticism comes, you’ll have a deeply rooted why undergirding your business and the way that you show up in the world.
You know, and I’m saying all this because storms will will blow. Challenges will come. The artistic entrepreneurial life isn’t a millpond. It’s an ocean. And there’ll be times where you lay out on your back and contemplate the stars and the wonder filling your heart. And then there’s there’s other times where you’ll be hunkered down, shielding yourself from the driving rain, wondering why you even considered setting out from the shore. You know, in these moments, in these moments and when the boat is being thrown around, it will be your wife that keeps you afloat.
Why do I. Right. Why do I share these podcasts? Because words are my world. God has called me and anointed me to penetrate hearts with truth and beauty, bringing his kingdom to bear on the reader’s soul. I’m called to equip Saints for ministry and lead the unbeliever to repentance and recognition. My words are his works emblazoned on a page. He is my muse and I am his ready writer. I’m God’s Cuil. My joy is his glory to lift his name and accept and express who he is made me to be for you.
It may be song paint on canvas YouTube videos. It could be cakes on plates or hats on heads. God is not limited in his expressions. The only limitation he faces is our willingness and our obedience or our lack of it. You know, are you going to be true to your heavenly calling and I can think of no deeper Y than God and his purpose at work in our hearts? Philippians 2:12 and 13, says, Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for its God that works in you both are willing to do of his good pleasure.
Work out what he is working in and all will be well. Well, thanks for listening. Hopefully it’s been an encouragement to you today. If you want to connect any further, you can do so through my website at Davidleemartin.com. Have a great day.