“I help creative Christians share their message online through a framework based on 5 core principles; faith, inspiration, education, application, and celebration. Taken together and put into practical daily action these principles remove roadblocks and transform ideas into real products, platforms, and publications that can change the world!”
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Today I want to touch on the subject of ethical online marketing. Anyone who’s been around in the online space for any longer than about 15 seconds will know that there’s a lot of unethical marketing goes on. But I truly believe that there is no sin in selling people buy from people and they buy from those that they know like and trust. And we as marketers as men and women of God are in the people business. You know, everyone who is sharing their worth and bringing their unique value to the world’s.
Table is really in the people business or large slice of the prosperity pie is knowing who your people are, then who is it that you are called to reach and whose life are you equipped to change for the better? Lee, I really encourage you to dig into this question and do it regularly and not in a kind of forensic way where it becomes so anal that you create craft some, like, really awkward statement. Yeah, that declares who you who is just let it be real. Like the process of discovery is to uncover something that exists so real in your own heart that it feels completely natural.
You know, whether you’re an aspiring author would be cause creator, a blogging, influencer and affiliate marketer. There’s always a crowd that you’re going to resonate with. And I believe me when I say trying to reach everyone everywhere leads nowhere. And in seeking to serve anyone, you generally end up connecting with no one. So the more precise you can be, the better.
But like I say, without kind of tying yourself up in knots, you don’t make your market demographic or psychographic research purely philosophical. Sometimes we can sit down and we put this academic hat on where we kind of step out of our heart and into our head and we write down a we think we should say or what we think others would think we should say, yeah, but when we’re talking about reaching people, ministering to people, helping, blessing, benefiting and building people. Yeah. When we talk about like, what some people often call an avatar or a customer avatar, all of that.
I’m not too keen on a lot of that lingo.
Really. What you’re talking about is that your people, the people that you are designed by God to help bless and benefit. The Bible, talks about Apostles a lot, and the word Apostle literally means a sent one or one who is sent and in a very real way. I believe this in business, in Ministry, we have what could be called an Apostolic called to go out, even if the going out is virtual and to find the people to whom we’ve been sent by God to bless and to help.
In response to this ongoing question, my current answer and the reason I say my current answer is not that it necessarily will most likely dramatically change.
This is something that I’ve been pursuing for decades, even when we were pasturing throughout all of those 20 plus years of posturing and then into the business realm. This is a conversation that the Holy Ghost and I have undertaken on many occasions. But the reason I say my current answer is that the Lord refines, I think how we understand ourselves and how we understand how we help other people as we do it. Here we discover in the doing often, and I kind of this is my statement.
I let all the steam and the fluff and the market lingo boil away.
I would presently say that I help creative Christians share their message online so they can generate income and a lifestyle that fits with their personality and their passion. That’s what I’ve Thankfully been able to do and what I want to do my very best to help other people of faith do really discover their worth and then share that worth in ways that fit with their personality and their passion. And that doesn’t that’s not the same for everyone. I mean, it would have been very easy for me.
You know, my wheelhouse is big time books.
Yeah. Writing and publishing books. And it would have been very easy for me to just say, yeah. Okay. I’m going to create some courses, and I have created courses, a number of them, and resources that help people write a book or publish a book, etc.
But I just know that there’s more than that. I don’t want to kind of presume that the way I work and the way that fits with me as a mode of communication and a mode of crystallising. Lee is going to be the way that works for everyone else. And so in respect to what I’m looking to do with the Christian Creative Academy is really kind of broadening that and just understanding that it is. I’m looking to help people get their message out to the people they are called to help, bless and benefit in whatever way best fits for them.
And we do that through a year long membership where we explore, experiment and discover in the doing what will work and what parts do fit, because sometimes we don’t know what fits well with us and what works well for us until we actually try it and do it. And the roadblocks that stand between us thinking about something, wanting to do something and actually putting our kind of skin in the game and making it happen can be quite significant. And so Lee, a big part of what we do in in the Christian Creative Academy and particularly a specific programme called The Highway, is we remove those roadblocks in a fun way.
And then the next question to ask yourself. So the first question is really who is my who?
Yeah. Who is it you’re called to reach? Who do you believe that God is sending you to? And the next question is, how do you then serve those people. You know, often the answer to this question and often the answer to the who question will touch on this as mine did, so they can generate income and a lifestyle that fits with their personality and passion, but really is good.
Then to dig a layer deeper and dig more into the what the what of the how? How is the methodology that you use? What is the methodology that you use to help them now, having a clear idea about what you do and how you help will not only clarify to your customers or prospects why they should work with you, it’s also going to crystallise your own understanding. I just have valuable what you bring to others really is. And most of the time, you’ll find that your heart message and mission has a method hidden often right in front of your nose.
Sometimes we’re so close to what we do and how we do it that we don’t see it straight away. We just do what we do and don’t take time to step back and consider the underlying transferable principles and processes that we’ve applied to generate the success that we’ve experienced in any given area. It’s almost like we we take our own genius for granted. We take what we just think is Lee and normal and think that somehow it’s going to be easy and normal for everyone else. But let me encourage you.
You are remarkable and what you may find easy, you know, others may find very difficult and need help with and you can help them. You know, those are probably some of the people that you’ve been called to or sent. And unlike with the Who like with the who question, take time to think about this. How with respect to helping your who, what do you do and how do you do it? There will be an underlying methodology or process that you can crystallise and transfer and put in the hands of other people so they can begin to experience some of the results that you’ve enjoyed and I do completely understand there are all sorts of factors involved in that, but what we can, we can only give what we can give.
We can sow the seed can’t we and some will fall on ground. Some will experience 30 fold, 60 for even 100 fold return, but some will fall on ground and the results won’t be seen. And Lee really part of what you do as you bring your value to the table as you share your worth, as you begin to step out, step up and step out and recognise that you’ve got something that can help and benefit other people and that you want to crystallise that in ways that are tangible and consumable and that other people can either watch or read or listen to whatever you know.
You got to understand it. Our part in the equation is to produce what you can in order to help others, then take that knowledge and apply it in their own unique way in their own circumstances.
And the fruit from that is going to vary. Obviously, it’s going to vary from person to person. But, you know, here is where my prayers and observations of how my way of working and this is where it’s led me so far to this statement. And I think it really does sum up what Larna and I are now doing in our online membership. I help creative Christians share their message online through a framework based on five core principles, faith, inspiration, education, application and celebration taken together and put into practical daily action.
These principles remove roadblocks and transform ideas into real products, platforms and publications that can change the world. Maybe maybe you listen to that. And you think about Dude, I’m one of his people. I’m one of those people. I want to do that.
I want my roadblocks, the roadblocks to my creativity to be removed. I want to transform my ideas, my value, my message into real products, online platforms, publications, courses, whatever it may be. And I want to change the world. I want to make a difference. You know, if that’s you cheque cheque out, just go to David Lee Martin.
Net CCA membership. Yeah. And you’ll be able to cheque out what we’re doing there with the membership that’s David Lee Martin. Net ACCA membership and do cheque that out. And there’s.
I’ve also written a book recently. You can cheque that one out if you want a David Lee Martin. Net for a fateful creative and the Christian Creative Academy membership is really a year long discovery of your own special brand of awesome. You know, where you’ll get hands on putting all of that inner wealth out to the world in ways that literally could change the world and really make a difference. But you’ll never know until you do it.
This is the thing. You know, many people live in the land of could have beens and might have beens, and maybe tomorrow. But we want to step out of that realm, don’t we? Into the actual putting our hand to the plough. Let’s make this happen.
Hey, I’d love to invite you to be part of that. And if not, that’s cool too. You know, I just pray that you will prosper in whatever it is you’re put in your hand to. And in the meantime, while you do that, think about who your who is and how you help them. Well, thanks for listening.
Hopefully, it’s been an encouragement to you today. You want to connect any further you can do say through my website at DavidLeeMartin.Com. Have a great day.