My passion and diamond subject is prayer and Christian Creativity, what’s yours?
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I try and make something every day and my main clay that I mold things from his words. Yours may be something different, but I found that having a daily discipline, I don’t even know discipline is the right word, but just building in a creative habit where I exercise and draw from that inner creative well is something that I just. It’s actually life giving, life affirming. And if I can unplug and remove myself from the desire for outcomes, if I can uncouple myself from outcomes, it frees me up to be far more free in my creativity.
I’m not thinking if I write this book, will it sell and make money?
If I create this blog article that I find worthy of expression that I feel carries some value for someone somewhere, but it may not make money. It may not have a thousand people coming or a million people reading it. It may not win any prizes for grammar and literature. Is that any reason not to do it? Of course not.
We are creative beings, and our very essence demands that we make things that we share our value and our worth with others. However, that manifest itself. One of the things that I do each day, as some of, you know, is a blog and then create this podcast. But I was thinking today about a common fear that many creatives face and that’s that their well will somehow run dry. What happens when you run out of something worth saying?
You know, the terror of empty pipes has been immortalised with the attribution writers block and doubtless. There’s also song block, brush block, product block, video block. Whatever your means of expression, whatever platform you choose to build your creative Kingdom on. Yet there’s a fear that, well, what happens if I run out? What happens if I find myself with nothing else to bring to the table?
It’s a common fear that is one that, honestly, I choose not to buy into. Because see, I believe that there is a perpetual well of inspiration that flows from our inner man and that it just needs to be tapped and called upon to produce. You know, some days you’re going to produce more and better than others, but it will produce nevertheless, and not everything that we create, not everything we write, not every song we pen, not every video we create. Or again, whatever your means of expression is, they are not all necessarily to be made public, but we need to keep the water flowing.
We need to allow our inner man to find expression in some way.
And, you know, I don’t believe really, that it’s a lack of inspiration. I don’t believe that it’s a lack of something worth saying or singing that stops us. I really believe that the hair and slime that clogs the pipes is actually perfectionism. We want every work that our hands creates to be some magnificent opus, and that’s a sticking point because whether we like it or not. Some days are simply more open to the flow than others I wanted to call is actually I’ve called.
This particular episode is cover your diamond subject and your creative well will never run dry. But I could equally have called it today. I have nothing to say. And in thinking about what to share here, I thought about starting with the creative encouragement to you with today, I have nothing to say. And like, honestly, some of you may have just breathed a sigh of relief.
I can swallow that. But who am I to lie, even if I have nothing to say? I’ve said something worthy of exploration. So what do I mean by that? You know, sometimes you may want to dig in to the subject of not having any subject to share on or looking somehow to discover a deeper layer below the ones that you’ve already dug into.
Really, I want to encourage you. You will never run dry. It’s not a crime to say the same thing again in a different way.
There’s no shame in pulling an old word from the archives and sending it out for another spin. You know, call on your pet subjects the core messages that you carry and reiterate them for the, umpteenth time, because there are always going to be new eyes and ears that will be experiencing what you have to say for the first time. I’m sure as believers, you’ve often sat down and you’ve read the scriptures like maybe hundreds of times certain scriptures. You may have heard sermons on red in the scriptures pulled out of your promise box, you know, read the devotional on watch the TV, preacher talk about whatever else it may be.
And then suddenly, one day that same scripture leaps off the page and comes alive to you.
Well, I believe it’s the same with the subjects that God has put on your heart. You know, we often and most of us have just a few subjects that we tend to set on. And because every subject has many, many facets, you know, you don’t have to create something brand new. Every time you sit down to create you just turn that value diamond in your hand and highlight another facet of the beauty and Grace that relates to your subject of choice. You know what’s your diamond subject.
I speak right and teach Christian prayer and creativity. And on the creativity side, I largely focus on digital delivery of your message and your value to the marketplace. You know, I bring prayer and productivity under one roof and honestly could talk the legs off a horse if I’m let loose on either of those subjects. You know, some may say I just harp on about it, and so be it. That’s my song.
That’s what I play. That’s the instrument that God has placed in my heart. What’s yours, you know, to encourage others to recognise and realise their value in tangible ways that can impact lives and generate income is a message that I believe people need to hear. And again, I’m going to ask you, what’s your song? What’s your message?
You know, if it’s heartfelt and sincere, it’s not just going to be a one time article nested on your somewhere. It’s going to be a diamond subject that fascinates your curiosity, much like a real diamond mine, and it inwardly calls to be communicated time and time again. You don’t just look at one facet. You can turn that diamond subject in your hand, and you can bring many, many beautiful new takes on the same subject matter, you know, and you’ll find your diamond subject will crop up in almost all of your communications in one way or another.
There’s going to be a sparkle or a shadow of that subject in pretty much everything you create.
You know, the gospel, the gospel, Jesus dying for being born of a verging, dying for our sins, going to the grave, being raised from the dead and soon to return is obviously the core message for every Christian. It’s the gold and thread that runs through all that we say and do. But there are many facets to Christ’s wisdom and many facets that God causes people to share with the world. It’s not just that one story, and not all of those subjects relate to heaven. They’re not all ethereal in nature.
You know, God wants us to end well, absolutely. I mean, that’s the key thing, isn’t it? Like, get saved. You’ve never accepted Jesus as your saviour. Like, don’t wait until tomorrow.
Right now, just press stop on this and get your heart right with Him today. Of course, God wants us to end well. But the journey to that end needs to also be taken in fellowship with the Creator on the Bible and the Holy Spirit Himself who wrote it and now lives with you and in you has so much to say about life, finances, diet, rest, wellness, anger, love, relationships, hope, faith, the word that we speak. Thoughts, business, ecology, creativity, parenting, cosmology. You name it.
It’s in there. He doesn’t just that the Bible opens us up and God’s creative nature within us is meant to bring salt and light to a multitude of people and a multitude in a multitude of different places and in different ways. You name it. There’s a Facet of wise Council that can be shaped into a viable and worthy business and deliver present value to the marketplace in keeping with your Christian values and your passion for Christ. And that doesn’t just mean preaching sermons.
It can be any number of wonderful, healthy, wholesome pursuits that just bring value and enjoyment to other people’s lives. You know, my passion and my diamond subject is Christian creativity. What’s yours now? Jump over to the blog at Davidleemartin.Com. Just click on this article.
Discover your diamond subject. Yeah, and let me know in the comments there. I’d love to hear what it is that God has placed in your heart and the ideas and the subjects that burn in your bones. What’s your mission here and how can I help you to fulfil it? Hey, God.
Bless you. Hope this has been a helpful episode and I will look forward to speaking with you tomorrow. Well, thanks for listening. Hopefully, it’s been an encouragement to you today. If you want to connect any further, you can do so through my website at Davidleemartin.Com.
Have a great day.