People thought it was a joke when I said I’d be a poet and a writer. Truth be told, I did look like the most unlikely character to succeed at anything. Interesting decisions in my teenage years led to a drug fuelled diversion. Until Jesus stopped me in my tracks…
A 19-year old burned and broken young man, in his bedroom, high on LSD, facing hallucinogenic terrors he never thought possible cried a simple, ignorant prayer.
God, if you are real, help me now.”
And He did. A breath of light filled the room, and then filled me.
Supernatural strength flooded my being. Darkness fled, and truth cascaded into my spirit like a Heavenly Niagara.
I quickly rummaged under the iChing, Jim Morrison poetry collection, A Course in Miracles and Carlos Castaneda books (none of which I recommend by the way) to find the Gideon’s New Testament I’d been given. Throwing it open I read the words of the wild man of the Jordan, “I baptise you with water, but the One coming after me will baptise you with the Holy Ghost and with fire!”
In that instant I was deluged by God’s Holy Ghost and free-flowing prayer spilled from my lips in languages I’d never heard.
I didn’t know the Bible, the ins and outs of religion, but in one instant of openness my life had been turned upside down. This Jesus, the man I’d relegated to religious irrelevance apart from a few choice soundbites to add to my smorgasbord spirituality, is God!
In one moment my desperate search came to an end, and began.
I wanted to know this Jesus.
And almost 30 years later that same fire still burns in my belly.
There’s plenty to tell between that day and now. Church planting, missionary work, marriage and kids, building a 6-figure faith-based business. But all of that is secondary to the wonder of knowing God!
Jesus told a friend named Martha that in the madness we call life, when it’s all boiled down to the essentials, just ‘one thing is needful’ – to know and hear Him speak.
From that source, that fountain of life, flows everything else of value.
Jesus first – everything else follows!
I could tell you about building an online business, the place of the Bible and faith in your fruitfulness, the power of prayer to propel you to the prosperous life you dream of, but let’s get the foundations laid.
I believe that God takes pleasure in your prosperity and that you have incredible value to bring to the table of the world. And it all begins when you put Jesus first in every aspect of life.
He is the Vine, and we are the branches, bringing the fruits of creativity and grace to a world in desperate need.
I hope that you get a lot of value from this site, and the opportunities that are available here for you to discover that the greatest thing that you have to offer the world is yourself!