Bold, naked prayers are invited in Heaven. No-hiding, no-excuse, no-worry requests are welcomed. In Christ, we have boldness, because when we request we do so as if He Himself were standing in our place.
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I was spending time with some of the students and members of the Christian Creative Academy last night and we were just rejoicing in the goodness of God and in the promises that we’ve been given scriptures to come boldly into God’s presence. How amazing it is that we in all of our frailty and all of our failings, have a boldness of access that has been purchased for us through the blood of Jesus Christ. I mean, it really is one of the most amazing things that we can. Even while here on Earth, step into that heavenly realm, step into the realms of God Himself and access His presence.
Ephesians 3:12 and 13.
I’m reading from the amplified Bible and we had a great time in what we call a fireside meeting last night in the Christian Crave Academy. Honestly, if you’ve not considered joining, it is a full year programme and you can jump in presently for just $39 a month. I think that that will change at some time in the future, but it’s a full year programme that doesn’t just talk about kind of your creativity. As part of that programme, you’ll learn how to write and publish books, create podcasts, create online courses, create online products, all of those good practical things.
But really the strength of the Christian Creative Academy is the fact that it also speaks to and builds up your spiritual life.
Anyways, you can jump in just cheque out Christiancreative.Academy if that’s something that you would be interested in. And if you’re already in there, well, praise God. We are in the family. Ephesians 3:12 and 13 amplified says in whom because of our faith in Him, we dare to have boldness courage and confidence, a free access. There is a promise here that urges us to bring daring requests to the presence of God.
It goes on. We have an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear. So I ask you not to lose heart, not to faint or become despondent through fear. We live in a time right now where the world is really very fearful of so many things. But we’re told here, don’t lose heart.
Do not faint. Don’t become despondent because you have a boldness of access to come courageously and confidently before the presence of God and present your requests. Bold naked prayers are invited in heaven. That no hiding, no excuse, no worry. Requests are welcomed in Christ.
We have a boldness because when we request, when we come before the Father’s presence, it is as if Jesus Himself was standing there. His blood speaks on your behalf. It removes any spot of sin, all shame, all fear. His sacrifice is screaming out, yes, and Amen to every promise. Our approach to God is unreserved.
We don’t have to come questioning whether he will receive us. We don’t have to come doubting whether he wants to engage with us. He is more keen than we are. Just as much as we desire His presence. He desires your presence in Christ Jesus.
While the world is out there running itself ragged, just fearful, questioning, confused. We are urged not to faint, not to become despondent, not to grow weary. The story, my dear friends, my creative brothers and sisters has been written and the end is certain you win. For now, while we are still on our pilgrimage, your free access is secure. You have entrance to God’s realm.
It’s open to you through prayer. Boldly approach the throne of Grace and pray here on Earth that it would be as it is in heaven. The Scriptures say in Hebrews 416 let us come boldly to the throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy and find Grace to help in time of need. Whatever your needs are, whatever you are coming into the new you’re carrying, whether they are troubles and questions, or whether they are hopes and dreams, let us come unreservedly without shame, without fear. Confidently and boldly before the throne of Grace to find help, to find what we need to partner with God in whatever endeavours we are setting out to accomplish through Christ, prayer is a doorway that makes impossible things possible.
Let’s believe together for an incredible year in this coming year. Whatever comes, whatever happens in the world outside of us, let our inner life be strengthened with mighty power in the Holy Spirit. That our requests, that our prayers, that our supplications would be so bold and so confident and so filled with faith that we would see the miraculous break out in all that we do. And God bless you. Have a great day.
We’re almost there. Jesus is Lord. Well, thanks for listening. Hopefully, it’s been an encouragement to you today. If you want to connect any further, you can do so.
It’s through my website at Have a great day.