It’s Monday and another week swings into flow. Or maybe crawls into motion.
We all face emotional ups and downs as part of our walk in this world. But, thank God, our Savior never changes. He is not fickle. He does not blow hot and cold with regard to His commitment to your prosperity.
In some ways, each week begins a fresh cycle that gives us the opportunity to recalibrate and recommit, whatever has gone before.
The creative entrepreneurial life doesn’t promise an easy ride, but it does promise magnificent rewards.
The impact that you can have as you keep producing and making moves toward your creative goals is yet to be written. Your Father knows where He is leading you, and His everlasting arms are right there undergirding everything you do.
Dear friend, be aware that the devil is also prowling around with a mouth full of sharpened teeth – they have names – discouragement, disillusionment, insecurity, lies, envy, fear – as many teeth as fit in the gaping mouth of the beast there’ll be a corresponding ‘strategy’ to pierce your resolve.
“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
Ephesians 6:11 NIV
The word schemes or wiles as rendered in some translations speaks of carefully planned strategies to undermine and confuse you.
He wants to throw you off course, send your thoughts in a thousand directions, get you all caught up in comparisons.
But you are unique!
You have things to bring that no one else can.
Keep moving forward, keep your commitments to yourself and create.
Whatever teeth the devil bares at you today, just show him your own teeth back with a big smile and tell Him you have your armour on and will be sending blessing to the world regardless of his dumb plans to try and stop you!