The majority of people pull over into life’s layby.
I can understand why. Disappointments can be rather persuasive.
We learn and grow and allow curiosity and adventure to lead, only to later settle for second best and nursing our bruises.
Dreams are parked, hopes are swallowed, and life grinds to a hamster wheel of same-old same-old. The monster of mediocrity eats our ambitions and we find ourselves resigned to “just-the-way-things-are”.
But they’re not!
“Just-the-way-things-are” can change and become something very different indeed.
Thinking forward
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7 KJV).
So said Solomon.
And again,
“The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness” (Proverbs 21:5 KJV)
See the trend here?
Change your thinking, change your life.
Life expands with exposure to new thoughts, different ideas, and allowing curiosity and courage lead us to explore fresh fields.
Keep learning. Don’t ever fall for the lie that it’s too late.
Grow as you go.
Be a doer and be a sower.
Sow words of faith, words that stir courage, words that arouse childlike curiosity, and words that equip you to stand up and fight another day.