Modern society wants instant results. In a ‘now’ culture waiting for anything seems untenable. The idea that one should work and wait is preposterous. Should I not be able to press a button and boom my world changes?
Let me share some wisdom here, not my own. I’m borrowing from the Bible. I recommend you do the same.
Roast Your Best Thoughts Well
I’m a heartfelt believer that connecting with your calling is not a difficult thing, but it does take work. Sometimes many years of work. Work is not a dirty word. Hard-won victories are so much more precious than those handed on a plate.
As Solomon said:
“The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.” (Proverbs 12:27 KJV)
See how the slothful despised what he had in his hand?
Unwilling to put the work in to taste its goodness his substance diminishes. He never grasps the potential that rests in his bosom.
But the diligent recognises the value of her gifts and is willing to work to fulfil them. As an idea person, an author or creator, what ideas are you cooking up to share with the world?
Don’t despise them, count them precious and worthy of roasting.
Place value on your ideas enough to invest time and money to see them deliciously roasted and realised.
Roasted ideas (and by that I mean ones that have been carefully considered, crafted and carved) can be shared with the world. Half-baked ones don’t go far.
Boardroom or bored room?
“He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.” (Proverbs 10:4 KJV)
Don’t be slack in your dealings, especially with yourself.
Stop discounting your thoughts as worthless or weak. Give them attention. Take time in God’s presence and place them on the table.
You do know that there’s a table in Heaven’s boardroom right? One that you’re invited to sit at and discuss your ideas with the greatest Geniuses ever?
God wants to partner with you in your business. To infuse how you show up in the world with His fire and flair.
But again, the road of the creative isn’t the easy choice. It takes diligence and determination to work through the difficulties.
But it’s better than boredom.
As Marcus Aurelius said, "It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live."
Better to live and die trying than never live at all. Our short stay on earth should be filled with the fruits of our pursuing the plantings of God in our hearts!
Don’t Be In a Rush
Back to the modern malady. Rush and reasoning that everything should be easy, cheap and instant leaves people crippled. Value yourself and your ideas enough to invest time and money in them.
“The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.” (Proverbs 21:5 KJV)
There was a day when I had zero audience.
Even now my pool of influence is a tiny drop in a vast ocean.
Should I quit because things don’t grow or change as quickly as I would like them to?
Not at all, and I’ll tell you why.
Because I must grow and change.
And the only and best way to do that is to be diligent. Perfect my abilities through practice, pursue my passions and purpose with patience. And share the journey.
Destinations are great, but if you can’t share the journey you miss the meaning. You don’t need to have it all together before you begin. Just start and share your steps.
Where you stand today is the perfect place to take the next one.
So what will it be? What step will you take today to turn up the heat on your delicious ideas so they can become something others can enjoy and benefit from?