First times are the most fearsome.
I remember our first child.
Almost born in the car on the way to the hospital, our eldest son’s arrival was fraught with uncertainty. But we made it. So much so three siblings joined him in the following years!
The same is true with creative projects and bringing dreams to birth.
The first is often the most difficult. As a first-time author or creator, you’ll face fears that have been lurking, long dormant and unchallenged until you decide to trample them underfoot and make your move.
But wow, is it worth it!
Facing down your fears and putting your work out into the world is an adventure. God has planted things in your heart that are not intended for you alone. These seeds of life to scatter in life’s field are powerful, but only when they are planted.
That’s why I’m so excited to see two friends of mine who took part in the Anointed Authors program last year publish their first books!
Experiencing the courageous steps that these amazing ladies took, the technical hurdles, inner and outer challenges, and all that goes along with sharing your heart and work with the world, was a great privilege.
Take a look and be sure to support and encourage them!
Here are the links to their debut publications:
Your Hour Of Power With Intention: Discover How To Create A Morning Routine That Works For You Starting With A Great Cup Of Tea And 15 Minutes With God
With Hearts Entwined: Light for your journey to intimacy with God
The Anointed Authors program is currently closed, but if you’re interested in getting on the waiting list for the next intake later this year, you can do so here: