Every opportunity comes with a cost.
Do one thing and by default, you choose to not do another.
Every minute spent is a trade off.
You pay with your time, so spend it well.
Time is life. And life is precious.
Spend it well.
You spend your life minute by minute. Each minute is an investment in the things you value the most.
What’s your 80/20?
Here’s a question worth pondering.
Where do you spend your life? Consuming or creating?
Do you value scrolling endless posts on TikTok or Instagram? Watching another series on Netflix? Complaining or making excuses? If that’s what you love and want to be remembered for, that’s where your time should be spent.
But if you’d rather be remembered for something else, assess your current situation and make a change.
There’s certainly nothing wrong with consuming. We all need input to grow and learn.
The question is what diet are we feeding on? Does it feed the real cry of your heart for relationship and contribution? Build you up in the call of God? Catapult you to new heights? Or does it drag you down and keep you in the mire of mediocrity?
Another sure way to grow is to do. Put action to your convictions and ideas. Take what you’ve learned and act upon it.
Do you value creating value for others, sharing your worth, investing in your growth and looking for ways to contribute so others can grow? If so, let this be your 80/20.
80% create. 20% consume.
You have so much to bring. So many thoughts and wild wonderful ideas.
Stories to tell and experiences to share.
Don’t trade the opportunity you have to share your worth for a string of empty hours poured into the ravenous cavern of consumption.
Be a creator.
Be the one creating positive, life-affirming, Christ-honoring content for others to consume.