Why do I write?
I write because words make worlds.
Ask God
He’s really good at it!
Why do I write?
I write because words make worlds.
Ask God
He’s really good at it!
Every opportunity comes with a cost.
Do one thing and by default, you choose to not do another.
Every minute spent is a trade off.
You pay with your time, so spend it well.
Time is life. And life is precious.
Spend it well.
You spend your life minute by minute. Each minute is an investment in the things you value the most.
Here’s a question worth pondering.
Where do you spend your life? Consuming or creating?
Do you value scrolling endless posts on TikTok or Instagram? Watching another series on Netflix? Complaining or making excuses? If that’s what you love and want to be remembered for, that’s where your time should be spent.
But if you’d rather be remembered for something else, assess your current situation and make a change.
There’s certainly nothing wrong with consuming. We all need input to grow and learn.
The question is what diet are we feeding on? Does it feed the real cry of your heart for relationship and contribution? Build you up in the call of God? Catapult you to new heights? Or does it drag you down and keep you in the mire of mediocrity?
Another sure way to grow is to do. Put action to your convictions and ideas. Take what you’ve learned and act upon it.
Do you value creating value for others, sharing your worth, investing in your growth and looking for ways to contribute so others can grow? If so, let this be your 80/20.
80% create. 20% consume.
You have so much to bring. So many thoughts and wild wonderful ideas.
Stories to tell and experiences to share.
Don’t trade the opportunity you have to share your worth for a string of empty hours poured into the ravenous cavern of consumption.
Be a creator.
Be the one creating positive, life-affirming, Christ-honoring content for others to consume.
Yesterday we spoke about being a value adder.
In the world, the emphasis is often on what you can get.
In the Kingdom we focus on what we can give.
“Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38 NKJV)
Can you see here how your return is directly attached and multiplied according to your generosity?
That doesn’t mean we cannot charge for our services or contribution.
I’ve sold hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of courses and resources over the years. I deliver thousands of books every year to readers and have built a million dollar homespun Christian publishing company serving hungry readers with clean Christian fiction.
I teach aspiring Christian authors to write and publish their first book.
I charge for these.
But my focus is on what I can give in return.
This is a big one and the beginning of every great endeavour. Too many people fail to recognise the value that they carry and are stopped before they start. Take time with the Holy Ghost to become aware or conscious of the worth you hold.
Realize and understand that you have something that is valuable and should be shared!
I’m going to share a resource with you that may help you in this process. It’s one I use with my Anointed Authors at the outset of their book journey, but it can be used for more than just book ideas. I assure you, if you take a little me time and do some digging you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the treasure you find!
For me this has happened in many ways. I’ve spoken at events, workshops and services, packing value into speech. I’ve published books (my favourite vehicle for value by far!). I’ve created courses, sent newsletters, provided coaching, ran a podcast.
There are many ways to package your value. You need to find the ones that work for you.
When you have perceived that you have something special to bring to the table for others, it becomes easier to dedicate time to learn the necessary steps to then package that value. Because you have already invested in yourself enough to embrace what God has planted, the next investment to learn and grow in your skills to distribute that value is something you will also be willing to invest in. This may be time, money, or both.
Choose your avenue, and learn it well.
Believe me, I have climbed over my ignorance many times as I’ve figured out how to do things, fuelled by a commitment to contribute. You can do the same.
There has to come a time where you step from the shadows and present your worth to the world. Whatever platform you choose, the publish button awaits.
Let me keep it real. It’s scary, and sometimes disappointing in the early stages of building when an audience is absent. You’ll be tempted to give up at times.
Here’s my advice.
Keep going. Be consistent. Keep learning. Practicing in public is the greatest way to discover your authentic voice. The journey from zero to hero or heroine is usually not a quick visit to the phone booth. It takes time to build a platform where people will hear what you say, but the journey there can never begin until you go public, however small you may feel in the ocean of other content.
This is why I’m so passionate about helping my Christian brothers and sisters to publish their books.
Not so they can become bestsellers, although that can happen, but because it begins a process of discovery that is literally life-changing.
I love what my friend and fellow minister, Matthew Vasquez, said about his Anointed Author journey. He’s currently in the process of writing a devotional, but discovered so much more as a result of his commitment to create value for others.
Here’s what he said…
“Anointed Authors exceeded my expectations. I expected to learn how to write a book, which I did, however it was through this process that God began a new work in me. I’ve learned so much from David about how to take what God puts in your heart and step out in faith to write, even when you don’t feel ready yet. Hands down, this is the best community to be part of to release a book that is in your heart.”
What I love is this line,
“I expected to learn how to write a book, which I did, however it was through this process that God began a new work in me.”
This is not uncommon among our authors.
When we set ourselves to work out what God is working in us, the Holy Spirit is given permission to work miracles in our own hearts and lives. He acts when we take action. Faith always has feet. Give Him and inch and He’ll take you a mile!
I so believe that you’ve got value to share and would like to help you take out your proverbial spade and dig for gold.
I have a process I use to help first time Christian authors discover and clarify an idea for their book. It’s a process that is not confined to just books. The focus is on helping your realise the treasure that you carry – your expertise, experience, stories and so much more that can help and benefit others.
Taking time to do this will help you perceive your value with greater clarity, which could become the foundation of all sorts of opportunities for you.
To get access for just $1 ($1 access will be available to Faithful Creative subscribers until Friday 6th September 2024) go to https://bigidea.teachery.co/bigidea and at checkout use promocode ‘DIGMYVALUE’.
Why $1 and not free? Because I believe that your small investment indicates that you are ready to place value on yourself and the treasure that you have hidden on the inside.
IMPORTANT! Remember to use promocode ‘DIGMYVALUE’ to get access for $1.
Here’s the link again: go to https://bigidea.teachery.co/bigidea and at checkout use promocode ‘DIGMYVALUE’.
Seek to add value wherever you go.
Your wisdom, experience, and anointing are gifts for you to distribute.
Look for ways to package your value to share with others.
You can pack and transfer value one to one in a conversation, a cake, a prayer, an act of kindness.
Or one to many through books, online content, podcasts, and an army of other value carriers readily available to us today.
The act of transferring of value is transformative.
The receiver becomes richer because of your generosity.
And it also transforms you as the giver.
The more you give, the more you grow.
I have three steps I’d like to share, but I’ll save those for tomorrow…
Some say the way to live with purpose is with your dying day in mind.
I want to leave a legacy of words that will outlast me.
I want to plant seeds that will bear fruit long after I step into glory.
A story that I won’t forget is Alfred Nobel’s transformation from “merchant of death” to a champion of humanity.
Nobel in 1867 invented dynamite, growing rich from the coffers of war and destruction.
Until a pivotal moment in 1888.
Upon the death of Alfred’s brother, Ludvig, a French newspaper mistakenly published his obituary. Mistakenly thinking that Alfred had died, the scathing eulogy branded him a “merchant of death” who had grown rich by producing new ways to “mutilate and kill.”
Alfred was mortified.
A crisis of conscience led him to ensure he would be remembered differently, and in 1895, Alfred Nobel wrote a will dedicating most of his fortune—about $265 million today—to establish prizes for those who benefited humanity.
The mistaken article fixed Nobel’s eyes on his death, and because of this, his life was changed.
What legacy will you leave?
When you step from earth, will you take your wisdom, experience, and all you’ve learned with you, or will you take time to record what the Lord has spoken to your heart?
This is one reason why I encourage people to write and publish their words. Not just for momentary gain, although that is possible, but for posterity.
It’s not about writing a perfect book or telling a faultless story. It’s about handing your life to those that follow. Allowing them the privilege to stand on your shoulders, avoid your mistakes, and gain from your successes.
You have a story to tell. Wisdom to share.
You have something precious to give to benefit others now and something precious to leave for tomorrow.
Never forget that.
Grace for the day,