The creative life is not one that resides in the world of ideas, it lives and breathes in the realm of action. Application is where the rubber meets the road and visions become reality. It is no use to have a notion roll around in your skull endlessly without it somehow finding a vent of expression. Only in its outing can an idea find an audience. And with an audience it takes form.
The earth was formless and void until Spirit and Word stirred things into existence.
A void is made to be filled. And you are called to fill it!
The creative life is one where things otherwise formless are packaged for consumption. An idea cannot be consumed, chewed, or offer nutrition to a soul, if it remains unspoken.
It can be spoken as a song, an image, a website or a webinar. It could be a live feed or a food-review. What matters is that the idea takes form. Your skills and limbs are weapons in the hand of the Creator to breathe through. Offer them to Him.
Let your hands scribe the words, your fingers or lips play the sounds He sings. This life we live as children of God is one of co-creation.
He is speaking today in ways that we previously had no conception of. Who would ever have thought you’d be able to broadcast live to the planet? Publish a book? Design and create using print-on-demand? Things that are everyday practices today were impossible dreams just a decade ago. Not only that, but many are also free to use.
What a privileged time of opportunity. Money making and value-adding opportunities are available today that did not even exist even a few short years ago. The very notion that you can turn your passion and personality into an income-generating mission is beyond amazing. The question is, are you taking advantage of it?
Are you a creator, or a consumer? On which side of this spectrum have you pitched your tent?
When God speaks things become. The Hebrew word for ‘word’, dabhar, means a speaking that enacts what it says. Not just a sound or a symbol but an action. Our words are an active force. Ideas are designed to become!
Way too often we are heavy on IDEA and light on IMPLEMENTATION.

Shift the balance and tend toward becoming the expression of inspiration, not just the recipient of it. God-breathes in, we breathe out. He inspires, we explore and express.
Become a weapon of mass creation. Quick to act on ideas, translating them into something that can be shared.
Don’t get too hung up on outcomes, just make stuff. Not all ideas are equal. But how will you know which ones are the winners if you don’t let them ride a little?
Even in the act of procreation God did not design just one seed to be dispensed in the quest to bring something new into existence, His method is mass-creation. An army of seeds commissioned into action with every orgasm, knowing that one will find its target.
So it is with ideas – send them out and see what spawns. See what works. Learn what doesn’t. Refine and refire as necessary, but never stop making.
The law of probability demands that at some point one of the many will stick. It will resonate with others. And the creative process will continue.
Right now, these are my experiments…
- I’m writing and illustrating a book called ‘CO-CREATE’ (a working title)
- I’m learning how to design and sell t-shirts through Amazon-Merch.
- I’m developing an online mentoring and course membership program to coach other Christian Creatives to get their value massively out to the world through their own products and publications.
- I have five writers currently working on books for which I had ideas.
- I have over 50 audiobooks in preparation working in partnership with narrators through ACX.
- I blog and create a podcast each day.
- I’m reading a different book and different version of the Bible each month armed with my coloured pencils to engage with the page.
- I’m coaching a friend to create a powerful email series, another to create a course, and my son to hire writers to turn his ideas into novels.
- I’m running 5km every day, and listening to Audible books as I do – sweat and learn!