Moses was told explicitly to build the Tabernacle just as he was shown in the mountain. Why was this? Because, we are told in the book of Hebrews, the Tabernacle in the wilderness (and the Temple that followed) was an exact representation of a real and lasting sanctuary in heaven.
If we want to come near to the Father, and truly avail ourselves of the invitation to intimacy that we have been granted through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, it makes sense to study this truth, and to discover what information we have been given regarding true holiness and devotion. The Tabernacle, and all that it represents, pictures for us and new and living way into the very holy of holies where God’s presence can be felt, and his voice heard.
Essentially, we find seven steps laid out for us, the holy pathway leading to the manifest presence of the Lord above the mercy seat.
Stepping Through The Doorway
The 1st step on this pathway is to simply come to the doorway of the tabernacle. By taking time to worship God and his son Jesus Christ, whom the Bible declares to be the doorway to salvation (John 10), we step beyond the natural and into the spirit.
The Brazen Altar
Once we are through the doorway, and our hearts are focused on Him alone, leaving the world outside, we come into what the Bible calls the outer court of the tabernacle. Right here before us is the brazen alter.
The brazen alter represents the cross.
It is the place of sacrifice, where the pure and sinless died on behalf of those in need of forgiveness and salvation. In the Old Testament this of course was through representative animals, who were sacrificed in place of the sinner, but now we have our once for all sacrifice, Jesus the Lamb of God. When He died He took upon Himself the sin of the world.
The Brazen Laver
This was the place where priests would wash and cleanse themselves before stepping into the inner court. The laver represents the word of God, and it is the place where we apply our knowledge of righteousness through obedience to God’s word. The promises and commands of God have cleansing power.
The Holy Place – The Inner Court
Once our hearts have been thoroughly cleansed we are ready to step through into the inner court. Here we find the table of shew bread, the golden menorah, and the altar of incense. As with everything in the Tabernacle each of these objects pictures a reality that is alive for us as followers of Jesus Christ. Understanding their significance can carry us into the very presence of God in the most wonderful way.
The Golden Candlestick
The menorah that we find in a holy place was a candlestick with 7 arms and bowls. These represent the 7 spirits of God as described in Isaiah chapter 11.
Here we worship and fellowship with Him in intimate communion.
The Table of Shew Bread
This represents the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the bread of life. His Word, spoken personally to our hearts as we pray, sustains us every day.
The Altar of Incense
Here we have the privilege to offer up the sacrifice of praise and worship, and heartfelt prayer.
The Holy of Holies
This is the final area of the tabernacle as built by Moses. It housed the Ark of the covenant, which was the very dwelling place of God. God himself by his manifest presence lived among his people above the Mercy seat of this ark.
We are told that Jesus has now become our mercy seat. He dwells in and with us, and his blood speaks good things over our lives, even the righteousness of God.
We enjoy a salvation that not only receives us into heaven at the end of our days, but ushers us now into the presence of God.