Each believing step builds not only the thing you are making, it builds you. Creativity acted upon and exercised develops resilience, patience, and faith – it forges fresh ties with the Creator who lives within you.
This is a partnership.
Hope wistfully gazes to some future day wishing for things to change.
Faith gathers the strands of hope and shapes them into simple actions. Faith acts on hopes and drags them to the now.
This is not a one time occurrence. We ‘walk’ by faith. We ‘live’ by faith.
Faith and patience are the two legs that hold us up and allow us to make progress.

As an example, I hope to build an audience of faithful creatives. Christian men and women with a desire to make a difference.
Send them encouragement each day freely and liberally. Believe that sowing always leads to reaping. Ask that they share with others if they find it helpful and inspiring.
And continue for as long as it takes.
What’s your plan?
And are you prepared to continue with that plan until you see the results you desire? It takes dedication to do so. To continue when you would sometimes rather quit. To double down when you feel discouraged. All of this juicy resistance is the raw material to build your breakthrough.
The Bridge

This bridge from start to success is called “sustaining” or “stamina”.
It speaks of your resolve to take consistent action in one direction over time.
Crossing that bridge, most often a far longer one than you anticipated, is the leg of the journey that builds the skill, the self-awareness, and the ability to dig deep and deliver diamonds to an audience.