The devil hates the voice of God’s people. The last thing he wants is for Jesus loving radicals to stand up and share their message of truth. The creative life is all about stepping out and making some noise, so it’s no surprise that satan sends his best to the field to shut them up.
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You know, it’s a fact that we live in a spiritual world, we live in a world where there are certainly the things that we can see. There’s this visible world around us, but there is also an invisible reality that sits behind what we can see, touch, taste and smell. And we, as God’s people have been invited into to operate and to exercise our worth, our personality, our power, our strength, our voice in both of those realms, both the natural and the spiritual.
But the truth is that the devil hates to hear the voice of God’s people. The last thing that he wants is for Jesus loving radicals to stand up and share their message. You know, the creative life really is all about stepping out and making some noise. You know, it’s really about making known outwardly what is happening inwardly, what God has placed inside, bringing it to the outside where other people can engage with it. And I’m not just talking about preaching sermons and things like that or standing on a street corner, although I’ve done I’ve done that many times and in many places.
But it’s really about the God’s people standing up in every sector of society and bringing the solutions of heaven to the problems of the earth. You know, I really ride across the board. So it’s no surprise that Satan sends his best to the field to try and shut them up. You know, I’m thinking about the story of David and Goliath and how David picked up five smooth stones from the river. And I’m going to encourage you to go down to the river.
I said I should start singing the songs, you know, but go to the river and pick up the smooth stones that I want to share with you today. You know, if you got these stones in your pouch, you’ll always have something to face of Goliath and his brothers when they come back with their intimidating tactics. You know, of course, they’re going to taunt you. Absolutely. There’ll be times where you want to run, but when you are armed and dangerous, you’re not comfortable in your own skin, not hampered by soles armour.
You’ll run towards the battle, not away from it. Yeah, we need to remember friends that we are Christians. You know, we’re Christ failed giant slaying angel commanding forces on this planet sent from heaven. You know, and not only that, you know, it’s a double whammy for the devil because you are also a creative conduit. Yeah. For God spawned ideas and a shining, blazing light in the darkness that engulfs so much of what we see and hear today in the world.
And I just believe it’s time, you know, really. I love I love the way that David responds to the challenge that stands in his way. I love the way that David refers to the giant that that really soared to Tower over him. He said, who is this uncircumcised philistine? Well, you know, we have a covenant friends. Who are these uncircumcised Philistines standing in our way? Is it procrastination? Perfectionism is a fear of failure that’s stopping you stepping out.
Is it ignorance? Just not knowing what to do? Well, I can promise you there’s a smooth stone that will deal with that giant. Yeah. Is it isolation? Do you feel kind of lonely? Do you feel as though you need some affirmation, some encouragement. Yeah. You need someone to bounce things off again. There are ways that we can equip ourselves to succeed, you know, and there are no guarantees. You know, we’d be lying if we just said it’s just a matter of kind of ticking a few boxes, because there are all sorts of factors that are at play in the creative life.
But but I promise you and I urge you and I encourage you and I I admonish you, you know, God has equipped you to succeed and prosper in what you put your hand to. And every one of these ugly things, every one of the. Seeming giants that may presently stand in your way, they’ll come a point where every one of them is on the dirt and you are holding a severed head in your hand. Sounds a bit gruesome, doesn’t it?
But really, the way that their creative life stepping and pushing through our fears is really an aggressive undertaking. You know, it’s not something that happens by accident. It’s something that happens very, very intentionally and takes a great deal of courage and energy to do so. But I just want to say, man, it’s time to start to wage war against normality. Yeah, it’s time to bust through the status quo and just let that humongous light on the inside shine.
Now, when we talk about this little light of mine. You know, we see some kind of a little matchstick type light, you know, envisioned in that children’s song. But I tell you, when you’ve got the king of glory living on the inside of you, we’re not talking about a little light. We’re talking about a light that will blaze from one one end of the heavens to the other at his return. This is no little light that we’re talking about.
And I just you know, the conscription papers have gone out. You know, they’ve already been draughted. A revolution has begun. And an army of creative Christian artists, authors and entrepreneurs is gathering today. God is calling his people out, calling his people force. You know that today really is one of the greatest days of opportunity that the body of Christ has ever experienced were thrown off souls. Souls were remembering who and whose we are. And there is a call to artistic arms.
You know, we’re being urged to uncompromisingly share our worth to the uttermost parts of the earth. And the Holy Ghost has seen fit to make sure that the framework and the technology for that to happen is in place in our generation. Ready for your use and are you are uniquely called by God to bring something awesome to the table and say, let’s head down to the river, you know, ready and willing to discover our own special brand of awesome and choose a few smooth stones, you know, that will sail through the resistance and leave whatever excuses we may have, whatever fears we may harbour dead in the dust.
The first smooth stone, I believe, is faith. You know, this is the foundation of every successful endeavour and then inspiration the in breathing and powering breath of heaven, filling our being, the anointing, the voice of God at work, the partnership of God in our creative projects. The third the third smooth stone I would say is education. So we don’t just know what we need to to do, but were clued up how to do it.
So often we hear what we should do. We know what we should do. Often we know what we want to do, but we just don’t know how God is raising up teachers in the body of Christ across the board to help and equip the people of God, the House of God for the works of ministry out there in the marketplace. The the fourth smooth stone is application being doers of the word and the work necessary to make your value viable and visible.
Yeah, you’ll be out there. You will be out there on the field while others are cowering in the crowd. Seriously, so many people have stood there in the crowd just looking at Goliath and hearing his taunts and back off from their desire, their dream and their commitment. It just seems too big. It seems that they’ve got to overcome too much to actually make it a reality. I can promise you both from from the promises of the Bible and from my own experience, that although it does take courage to step out onto that field, it is worth it, although it does take energy to to run towards what what previously may have kind of frozen your heart with fear.
I promise you, you can slay that giant. You can lay him in the dust. And then finally, the fifth smooth stone that I think. And be so effective and actually is just as important of all of these as all of these others, is celebration or community a community of like minded believers who share that journey and rejoice with everyone with your every step and and celebrate with you as you make your moves forward and put those giants in the dust.
You know, this is this is what I’m talking about. This is this is really where my heart and my life is kind of laid down in service to the body of Christ, because I don’t believe it’s just it’s it’s it’s not just my voice that needs to be heard. It’s yours. It’s not just the voice of this sermonise or that sermonise who needs to be. It’s your voice that needs to be heard. There is an OK, an orchestra.
Yeah. That God wants to strike up in the earth. And you know, your voice is just as just as needed. Just as relevant. Just as important, just as powerful as anyone else’s. And it’s not that we all have the same voice. It’s not that we all play the same instrument. It’s not that we all bring the same message. God’s wisdom is so multifaceted. You know, we couldn’t even begin to comprehend even the beginnings of the greatness and the majesty and the wonder that he seeks to bring to the world.
You know, we can’t all cover off every single subject. He chooses us and specialises us to speak to particular groups of people and anoints us to reach those people and help them reach their breakthrough. You know, your aim is set to share your worth. Your gate is great moving forward every day toward your creative goals and your victory. My dear friend, my dear brother and sister in Christ is certain Jesus the King is partner in your prosperity. Well, thanks for listening, hopefully.
It’s been an encouragement to you today, if you want to connect any further, you can do so through my website at Have a great day.