“No man has ever seen God at any time; the only unique Son, or the only begotten God, Who is in the bosom [in the intimate presence] of the Father, He has declared Him [He has revealed Him and brought Him out where He can be seen; He has interpreted Him and He has made Him known].” John 1:18 AMPLIFIED
The biggest hindrance I see to God’s creative people finding their stride and moving forward with their ideas is a reluctance to show their work.
Chronic procrastination and never-quite-finished syndrome keeps them from shipping. Perfectionism steals their confidence and prevents the doors from being opened wide for the fresh public breeze of feedback to blow through the workshop.
And the world remains a poorer place for it.
I love the fact that Jesus “brought God out where He can be seen”, interpreting the invisible so the world could know the Father.
You too are an interpreter of God.
You too are called to make the manifold wisdom of God known.
Are you ready to bring God out where He can be seen?
I believe so.
It will take courage.
He’ll have to fight His way through your excuses, insecurities and anxieties about what others might think or say.
He’ll need to peel through the fears and crack open the crust formed by the past. He’ll most likely have to dig through some disappointments on His way up from your heart to your mouth or the page, but He’s up for the journey.
This great escape will be worth every challenge the two of you traverse. It’ll be your own Tolkienesque epic written on the fleshy tables of a heart.
Your journey to become who you really are will be the story that changes the world. Because the greatest journey any man or woman embarks upon is the one to discover themselves and boldly place the real “I” on display.
The “I am” on the inside. Not the ego that clothes and shrouds the shine. This goes deeper than that. This is the “I” God designed and intended you to be.
Out where He can be seen.
That means we are going public with this thing!
God needs someone to interpret His heartbeat for humanity to hear.
I’m not the man to interpret God and present Him to lawyers. I’m not the person shaped to display divinity for menopausal women, single moms, or high flying CEO’s. Some other God-filled child is designed for that translation.
I interpret Him for Kingdom creatives, authors, artists, entrepreneurs. I speak their language. Share their values. Know their fears.
And I’m turning up every day to tell them that God is here to help them shine.
God is here to guide your steps.
God is on display so you can go show Him to your chosen tribe.
Whoever they are, whatever they do, however they speak, you are the person trained to translate the incredible, resonant tones of God’s deep into their day. You break eternity into time and call them to rise.
And when you do lives will be changed. How many? I cannot say.
But it will be 100% more than if God in you remains hidden.
Don’t be fearful to lay it all on the table.
Invest your everything in this glorious duet. Jesus and me. Jesus and You.
What a symphony we will become. In every town and village. Every corner and crevice of human existence. Oh, the sheer wonder of Jesus on display through His yielded people!