In any equation, you must make sure you have all the factors before you land an answer.
In my creative life, some factors either compete or complement one another.
Factors also change with the seasons of life.
Two factors that will play out are COMPETENCE and CAPACITY.
As a younger man, I was far less competent. But my energy levels and ambition were high. This affected the balance of my creative approach and output. What I lacked in wisdom, I made up for in zeal.
Now, as I approach my 54th birthday, my competence in my chosen creative disciplines is higher but my capacity (by that I mean energy level) is diminished.
I have to choose my battles more carefully.
Instead of doing everything and being everywhere, I have to choose where and how I show up. Wisdom shapes my decisions because I simply do not have the same battery life I once enjoyed.
As I go forward, I’m finding a more focussed approach, careful alignment of my heart with what I put my hand to, and a thankful acceptance that I have limitations, actually improves my output.
Instead of shooting in every direction I take aim and choose my targets with far more precision. Whereas I was once a shoot-first-aim-after action taker, I am now more considerate of my energy levels and where I pour my attention.
As with most things, I wish I could go back and inform my younger self.
- Consider where you focus your energy carefully.
- Focus on those projects and outcomes that align directly with your spirit.
- Don’t let vanity inform your actions.
- Provide genuine value and let money chase you; don’t chase money.
- Find your people and serve them well.
- Wear blinkers and don’t compare your journey with others.
- Do something every day that will bring value to someone else.
- Don’t be afraid to charge where it is appropriate.
- Conserve your energy for things that really matter.
- Don’t bleed your attention on things in which you have no agency.
The list goes on.
What would you tell your younger self?