Who or what are you waiting for?
God chose you to fill a very peculiar space. To play a unique role in this short history.
To take the stage and bring what only you can bring, say what only you can say, in a way that only you can say it.
Despite the nefarious idea that this grand responsibility rests with someone else, there’s no other you waiting in the wings to step into the breach. Your one glorious life counts.
Don’t cower.
Quit your concerns about what others will think if you step up and step out.
You have a voice. Use it. You’ve got ideas. Run with them.
And keep running, don’t stop. If you stumble, rise. If you fail, learn. Pain is part of the pathway for creatives. But so is the pleasure of making something remarkable. The great joy of growth and discovery. The unmatched delight of making disciples and helping others become the people God formed them to be.
It’s a ‘for such a time as this’ era.
An ‘is there not a cause’ epoch.
And you were born to be brilliant in it!
Create, don’t abdicate.