There will come a day when the curtains close on this era and a new and glorious Kingdom takes its place. Jesus will rule from His Jerusalem throne and all will be well.
In the meantime, we have to deal with this mean time.
People are confused, questioning, seeking and searching for truth. Groping in darkness in the hope of a better way.
Can you show it to them?
And yes, I’m speaking of the gospel. That’s the central furrow in the field. But life is lived and cultivated on many levels. We preach a Kingdom not just an altar call. Once someone has stepped across the line their journey has not ended, it has only just begun.
And the Kingdom extends to the ends of the earth. Every realm of life, every business, every precious place.
What are your areas of expertise and experience? And how can you help others reach their potential?
For example, I write and publish books. Lots of them.
Those skills I now use to help others do the same.
I create online training products.
So I mentor others to crystallise their value into courses and resources.
I’ve spent thousands of hours in prayer. So I teach people to pray.

Here’s the picture.
A tree has a purpose. Many people think that the purpose is fulfilled when the tree bears fruit.
Of course, that is a wonderful result of the tree’s growth, a benefit if you like. But the tree’s destiny still lacks one fundamental and ultimately essential key.
The tree is designed to produce another tree!
And another. And another.
Our goal is not just to become a fat disciple or a business success.
It is to produce disciples, to champion the success of others, to call forth their latent gifts and cheer them to their finish line.
When we do this, we fulfil an even deeper need that goes beyond our own success.
Someone is waiting for you today to step up. They need to hear your voice.
It may take some time to hone that voice. To really grasp the essence of your message and what you bring uniquely to the table.
But start now.
The longer you leave beginning or taking that next important step the longer others will be left scratching their head wondering where their answer is coming from.
Create, don’t be late!