The danger with dormant gifts is that they diminish over time.
Unexercised creativity crumbles into a sad conformity to the status quo, never pushing the bounds of what’s possible.
You are more than that!
Bust the box
Your place on this planet is not designed by God to be one of slow death (even while you’re breathing).
There is a vibrant expression of ‘YOU’ that the world is waiting to experience.
Some will love you when you show up, others won’t. In fact, some may want to stuff you back into the box you’ve been living in and throw away the key.
Bust the box, friend.
You are not the focus
No one is focused on policing your decisions, they are focused on themselves most of the time. So why worry what they will think?
Wake up and do something different today.
Make something remarkable.
Speak your truth and worship God in all of His vibrant creative colours!
Status quo or get up and go?
Religion and the status quo want to wrap you in mediocrity. Plaster your brain with thoughts of inadequacy.
Jesus, on the other hand, wants to set you free. Release you to boldly enjoy a freedom of expression that will change your life, and ultimately change the world.
It’s either status quo or get up and go. The choice is yours.
Stir those gifts. Shake up those ideas and then step out to try some. You’ve got nothing to lose.
If you’re gonna live, you may as well do it with your heart pumping and your eyes wide open.
Create, don’t hibernate!