If you are anything like me you live to discover more of God and His purposes for your life here on the green planet. It’s a lifetime of inquisitive deduction that unfolds through a growing relationship with an invisible but oh-so-real and ever present God who shows up in a multitude of ways that are undeniable.
God is real.
The idea that He has a purpose for your life is not just sermon-fodder. It’s true.
How do we enter into the place where our work and our worth align so perfectly that we feel we are living out our purpose with authentic faith?
Here’s my take for what it’s worth.
A Simple Truth For All Your Life And Loves
It all begins with something so simple you’ll kick yourself for not seeing it before. Truth is, you may have read it, you may even have nodded in agreement. The question is, how would this truth look if it were applied on a daily basis in your life and work.
Would the simplicity of what I’m about to share change the perspective you approach your everyday with, and would it affect your daily practices and disciplines?
Ready? Here it comes. This is as simple as it gets…
“Then said they unto him, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said unto them, “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” (John 6:28-29 KJV)
Jesus first!
Everything else follows.
Your work and your purpose on the planet begins right here, and it never stops working. It continues to produce year on year, decade after decade.
No hype, no secret sauce. No complex 66 point system or high sounding program.
Believe in the One whom the Father sent!
He came to save you and bring you into alignment, and restore the original blueprint He intended for you in your heart.
And then believe in the One whom Jesus commissioned to take His place.
The Holy Ghost has been sent to lead us, showing us how to apply all that we’ve now become.
Jesus is the architect of your life and future. There’s a plan, a map, a pathway, and the Holy Spirit has been contracted and commissioned to ensure that it is fulfilled.
He, the Holy Ghost, is the builder. He is with you to lead you, to show you the way, to help you navigate through the noise and bring your A game to table.
Push aside your doubts, and this gnawing sense that something is missing.
You have what the Bible calls ‘Shalom’ – a peace that passes understanding; harmony, wholeness, prosperity, well-being, security and completeness.
Nothing missing. Nothing broken.
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27 KJV)
You have been saved, healed, delivered. Over 100 times in the New Testament the word ‘sozo’ is used to describe those who are doing the work of God, which is simply to believe in the One whom He has sent.
You have been well and truly Sozoed!
This is the foundation of every house that will stand – to know God and to follow His directions.
To believe.
The Holy Ghost asked me today, “What kind of legacy do you want to leave?”
I want to leave a legacy of love.
Not money. Not words. Not empire or enterprise.
Some, all, or none of those things, may remain when I make my exit. But all are empty and vain if not endued with the only power that really changes the world.
Love, my friend, is the purpose you exist.
Your work is to believe, and faith, we are told, works by love (Galatians 5:6).
This is what motivates you to share. To be generous. To sow your energy, time, and effort to help others get what they want, and become who they are called to be.
Making Disciples
The Bible calls it making disciples. We have religiousized (a word I just made up but that perfectly describes the problem) so many rich and simple words that we forget what they really mean.
“religiou-sized” adjective: to make small God’s amazing promises through over-familiarity.
eg: David religiou-sized the great commission into something that only special people can do so he can excuse himself from taking action in his every day circumstances.
No religiousizing here thank you very much!
Making disciples is not rocket science.
Point them to Jesus.
Jesus in your heart.
Jesus in your home.
Jesus in your work and your play.
Jesus first, everything else follows.
We can own the whole world and still be empty in our soul. Chasing other things and building on any foundation other than eternity is at best deceived, and at worst plain and wilful stupid.
Start With The End In Mind
Start with the end in mind, hearing the words, “Good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in a few things, come, let me make you ruler over much.”
Realign your values and motives if necessary.
Make Jesus your business model. The model for you marriage, the King of all your endeavours.
Make the Holy Ghost your business strategy!
Because after all is said and done, Jesus is the first, the last, and everything in between.
Believing in Him, and following the directions of the precious Holy Spirit, is in no uncertain sense, the real work to which you have been called. No one else can walk out your destiny in God but you!