I’d spent weeks preparing the material for my newest course. Six modules, multiple bonuses, exceptional content. Following a previous homerun, I was stoked with anticipation of another fat payday and a deluge of new customers.
Affiliates were lined up, and the sun was shining. Happy days.
Hours later, I’d sold one copy.
And guess who bought it?
It was my test purchase to check if the buy button was working.
I was too proud to refund myself, which would have been the crowing humiliation!
That day, I could have quit.
Or the time my Bible School website was hacked and suddenly became a portal for Bollywood movies and Viagra. That was a disappointing day.
How about accidentally checking the wrong button inside my WordPress site, which sat for years on page one of Google for the search term “Jesus Christ” only to be left wondering why it fell from the rankings like a hot stone. As I discovered later, the button I checked said, “Hide this site from search engines” and it did exactly what it says on the tin.
I never recovered that coveted ranking.
I have paid my “dumb tax dues” more times than I care to mention.
But, and this is important…
I didn’t stop.
I’ve published many books that have sold fewer copies than I have fingers.
I’ve ransacked relationships because I was too darn insecure.
I’ve poured multiple thousands of dollars into projects that were ill-conceived and ill-fitting.
I’ve made silly decisions that have damaged my reputation. I still carry the consequences.
I struggle with envy and the feeling that I’m missing something. “What’s wrong with me?” is a mantra I’ve repeated over and over.
Even though I know better, I fall into the comparison trap.
I get tired. I feel weary some days.
I ask “Why?” “Why not?” “Why me?” or “Why not me?” way too often.
But, and this is important…
I refuse to stop, even when I don’t like myself.
Because even if I am faithless, He remains faithful.
“If we are faithless, he remains faithful — for he cannot deny himself.” (2 Timothy 2:13 ESV)
In other words, if I screw up, He’s there to catch me.
If disappointment drives me down, He’s there to lift me up.
Even when I wanted to throw in the towel, He didn’t stop.
Even when, like Gideon, I implored Him that I was the least among the least of worthless beasts, He never once agreed.
I’m glad he didn’t leave me cowering in the winepress.
He never gives up!
He never backs off.
“And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.” (Philippians 1:6 AMP)
JESUS is the King of my heart.
What a faithful God we serve.
My failures pale in the light of His enduring love.
There is strength, always and every day, in His presence.
No failure too big. No screw up beyond redemption. No disappointment large enough to smother His love.
Yes, dear friend, don’t give up.
God goes before you, He has your back, and you are hemmed in on every side by His goodness.