Drip đź’§
Drip đź’§
Drip đź’§
This is how the world seeks to shape our thinking with its griping and grasping philosophies. Incessantly dripping through the media a worldview that isolates you and pits you against your fellow man or woman.
That’s why the Holy Ghost urges:
“Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Romans 12:2 KJV)
If you think like the world, you’ll live like the world.
But “Ye are not of the world” (John 15:19 KJV)!!!
Jesus warned, “Consider carefully what you hear,”(Mark 4:24 NIV) for a reason.
What you hear affects what you think. What you think affects how you feel. How you feel affects what you do. What you do affects how you live. How you live affects who you are!
Hear in the direction you want your life to lean.
Be intentional and curate the voices you attend to carefully.
Keep your ear tuned to truth. Don’t drift from the truth of who you truly are on the inside.
A beloved child of the King, born for such a time a this!