Language is a powerful thing.
It can bring people together or leave them in the cold.
In my line as an author and an online marketer my world is peppered with ROI, front matter, back matter, CPC, KENP and KDP, pagereads and LTDs, lead magnets and landing pages, signups and series readthrough. To name just a few.

I’ve discovered that it’s easy to be so immersed in your own world that you end up drowning in assumptions.
Assuming that others will understand what you’re talking about.
When I speak of lead captures, author copies, ePubs and PDfs. Wax eloquent about PSDs, JPGs, and WP. For many, I’m speaking in tongues.
This is worth remembering…
People do not always understand even the most basic elements of your areas of expertise.
Like you, they begin at zero.
They don’t yet speak the language.
This is empowering.
Because here’s another assumption that’s all too easy to make. We assume that we have to be some stellar expert before we reach out a hand to help.
NOT the case!
The people who often need the most help, to whom you can be God’s answer, may well be the ones who have no idea where to even begin.
What’s Your World?

How can you reach out to someone wanting to step inside and learn the lingo?
What are the first words they need to hear and understand as they seek to become fluent? Remember, they don’t need your deepest secrets, just the next simple step.
For me, I teach first-time Christian authors to write and publish books.
I assume no prior knowledge.
We start with a blank slate.
And within 90 days they’ve found their Big Idea, they’ve flown through their first draft, formatted like a pro, mastered the set up process, and pushed the book to published!
It’s a 3-month miracle!
Every book, every journey, every budding author’s success, is a uniquely beautiful experience of God’s grace at work through that individual.
Do you want to write a book? Join me on the Anointed Authors program and see your ideas come to life.
The program includes 12 weeks of live coaching, taking you through every stage all the way to published.
Click through to take a look at what’s on offer and read the testimonials of previous students. I think you’ll love what you read, and that this is a great way to get over any roadblocks that stand in your way.
It would be awesome to have you on board for the next cohort, starting in just a few weeks…

👉🏻 Click here to find out more about the Anointed Authors program
Reach back to take the hand of the person you used to be
You too, can lead others to success in your areas of experience and expertise.
You just need to be one step ahead.
Don’t assume you don’t know enough.
Don’t assume you have to be big or famous.
No, no, no, just willing and generous.
Reach back to take the hand of the person you used to be.
Ultimately that is all we are doing. Remembering how hard it once seemed, how confusing the lingo sounded, and making it our mission to help someone else who’s standing in the shoes that we once wore.