Productivity hacks are often used to cram more activity into tight-packed time. The myth of multitasking continues its cultural march, pulling unsuspecting ambitions into an ever-increasing swirl of bigger, faster, more.
But productivity at its heart is not about filling time, it is about freeing time.
Freeing time for those activities that are most meaningful and impactful.
Playing Lego with your small child.
Walking with your loved one.
Thinking, reading, learning, growing.
Working on your business, not in your business.
You fill the blank.
The purposes that drive your progress will fuel your commitment to discovering creative ways to slice and dice your time-consuming tasks and bring them into subjection, instead of them consuming you.
Instead of being run ragged chasing the wind, your days will be lived with purposeful conviction, not driven by someone else’s agenda.
It is way too easy to adopt the path of others and absorb purposes that are not the product of your own heart. It is here that I recommend you begin your productivity drive.
Drive down deep into your heart and decided how you want to live your life.
Decide the values that will mark your days on earth.
Many will not be measured by the same metrics that the world uses to assess your success.
The teaching of time is Legacy, and your legacy will be far more than the bottom line in your bank account.
When you know why you are living, you’ll be better equipped to choose how to live.
Scripture teaches us that as human beings we are spirit, soul, and body. Each area of your being is important and relevant, and many investments will be uncoupled from money. Some will be priceless.
As you progress through these thoughts on living a fruitful life, keep this in mind. Your goal is not to just do more things, it is to do the right things for you and the fulfillment of your purpose.
In this way, your activities and processes play into a bigger plan. They push in one direction. Each activity can be evaluated in the light of your desired outcome.
No one else can measure your success, because the outcome you seek may not be the same as theirs.
Productivity is not one size fits all.
It is personal.