He died!
It was tragic and many wept to see him bleed. A child should never go before their mother but here she was in the arms of close friends, tears streaking hot furrows down her face.
And it has now come to light that you are the beneficiary of his will.
How could that be? You barely knew the guy, and certainly did nothing to ingratiate yourself to him. Nevertheless, for reasons of his own, he ensured that his rich inheritance was written down so you could see what now belongs to you.
A last will and testament.
And to ensure that the will is enforced, the same man rose from the grave, donned His advocates hat and became the lawyer who assures the inherited benefits are fulfilled and delivered.
The will of God.
Roll it out and turn the page.
Find out what’s yours, guaranteed. This is no philosophy, not a misty religious idea floating on the ether, it’s a will. Written, in force, and available through the death of its decedent and the actions of its executor (one and the same)!
Do you believe that it is God’s will to keep you poor?
Poor is not in the will.
Sick is not in the will.
Broken is not in the will.
Helpless and confused?
Who leaves that for their loved one? It’s not in the will.
Bring your claim to the court! Stand up and say, “This is mine!”
Will Heaven’s attendants dare to refuse what has already been given?
You have been given the keys of the Kingdom. (Matthew 16:19)
Keys to financial abundance.
Keys to health and healing.
Keys to wisdom, work and wonder.
Keys for marriage, keys for relationships, keys for creativity.
Claim your inheritance.
I’m serious. There’s a vast wealth that’s waiting for your signature. No one else can take your claim of the estate.
I’m not being funny, or throwing around flowery ideas to salve your religious addictions. This will is real. It is no fiction. For crying out loud, Jesus died to write it, and rose to guarantee it is executed as per his instructions.
This is not philosophy. It can seem so because we too often approach the Word not expecting to receive what it promises. God’s thoughts and words are active.
It’s difficult to lay claim if we don’t know what belongs to us.
God wrote the will so we can scour its pages and lift our voice and take possession of all that He purchased.
Here’s your thought for the day…
You are a recipient of the benefits of God’s will. Not according to grind, but by grace, you become rich, and free, forgiven, healed, and whole.