It’s April first. Some call it April fool’s day.
I’m reminded of the Scripture:
“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” (Psalm 53:1 KJV)
Or the indictment, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22 KJV), speaking of those whose “expert” wisdom betrays their feeble understanding of reality.
And such clownish cleverness begins with the most slippery fool of all. His nature and methods have never changed and always begin with the same whispered words…
“Did God really say?” (Genesis 3:1 NLT)
And of course, he doesn’t barge in to obliterate truth at the outset, merely smudge the edges. Only later does he outright contradict. You will not surely die he later asserts, knowing full will you will.
“Did God really say that the world was created in six literal days?”
“Did God really say there is only one way to Heaven?”
“Did God really say the flood covered the whole world in catastrophic judgement?”
“Did God really say do not add or take away from the words of this book?”
“Did God really say if I or even an angel from Heaven preach any other gospel let him be cursed?”
“Did God really say you are personally accountable and will be answerable to Him alone for every action you take and word you speak?”
Or creative adaptations of age old doubt bombs…
“Where is the promise of his coming, nothing has changed for centuries?”
“How can a loving God send people to an eternal hell?”
“You’re a good person, God will not judge you.”
“How can you be so proud as to say that yours is the only way to God.”
“All religions are the same.”
“Truth? What is truth?”
“There is no God!”
There will come a day when the father of fools will go screaming with his followers to a fiery eternal day that will never end.
Don’t be fooled.
The Bible is the true and trustworthy Word of God – 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament, 27 in the New. One book, by many writers, with One supernatural Author. All additions, adaptions and addendums are false.
Jesus is real, the one and only begotten Son of Eternal God – the Saviour of mankind. The unique and only way to God. There is no other name under Heaven by which a man can be saved.
Born of a virgin, slain for the sins of humankind, buried and raised on the third day, He will soon return to judge the earth.
Once overcome with water, the world will next face the fierce fires of God’s wrath – The loving God who sent His only Son, becoming flesh and blood Himself to save His beloved mankind, is also holy and bound by His own spotless character to judge rebellion and sin. No one is exempt.
God’s love is reaching out to you today in the person of Jesus Christ. Be reconciled to Him today. Repent, turn from your sins, and believe the good news.
In the words of Jim Elliott:
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
All else will fade but His words will never pass away.
To know Him is eternal life.