That’s what we once were.
Fated to failure, with of string of defeats paving the way to our ultimate demise.
Like Jean Valjean, we were miserable.
Despite our best and most noble efforts to harness our existence to some gracious end, we found ourselves in the Romans 7 grip. What we vowed not to do we ended up doing, and what we wanted to do ended up being impossibly beyond our grasp. Bad habits and hokey thinking were our taskmasters and jailors, keeping us small and hindering our every step. Caught in a circle of hopeless defeat.
Thank God Romans 7 leads into the victory cry of chapter 8:
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1 KJV)
Dude, you are no longer condemned to repeat the same cycles.
You can shake off the chains of yesterday and embrace new habits, starting today.

Here’s some habits I’m learning to hug:

- Believing I have something worth sharing.
- Acting on that belief.
- Not worrying so much about what others will think.
- Making (not just waiting for) time to pray, pray, pray.
- Having the sense to measure less by pounds, dollars and cents.
- Not waiting for perfect circumstances before taking action.
- Writing every day, even just a word or two.
- Saying yes to opportunities when they come,
- Saying no to opportunities when they come,
- Praying and waiting on God to know the difference!
What about you?
What habits are you learning to hug?
PS: Check out this video interview with brand new published and now Amazon bestselling author, Dr. Gemima Fitzgerald.
Gemima’s book, RISE: A Christian Clinical Psychologist’s Story of Recovery & Restoration from Domestic Abuse, is incredibly personal and powerful. You’ll hear her heart for God all through this short interview, and I hope that you’ll also be inspired to consider telling your own story to benefit others. I’m inviting 20 more first time author’s to join me in September for the next ‘Anointed Authors’ cohort. Interested to find out more? Go here