My wife, Larna, and I have been carrying a vision for decades. We’ve been sowing to it in word, action and prayer consistently through many ups and downs. I believe it is a God planted notion that it is already underway.
It also has to be noted that God chooses the most unlikely candidates to carry His children. Not the fancy, rich or eloquent. Not the famous, feared or frilled. He chooses ordinary man and women just like you and me. It is part of the mystery and the glory of Christianity that the Trinity rejoices in impossible odds (and that they win every time!).
I see musicians, painters, wordsmiths and writers, poets and players, actors and artisans, entrepreneurs and entertainers; a vast army that the Holy Ghost is raising up to bring the glorious Kingdom of Christ to millions.
It may seem trivial to look to the poets to change the world when so much is out of whack.
What can an artist really accomplish against the insurmountable problems humanity faces?
Why would a writer become the swordsman chosen for battle when a tank or missile seems so much more efficient?
Because God’s ministry is to the heart!
He is the storyteller and the full story all in one.
He is the singer and song, the vision and the hand that paints it.
I also believe that this army is not bound within ecclesiastical walls. The marketplace will be overrun with anointed artisans who have embraced a call to represent their King and bring His Kingdom to places never touched by conventional methodologies and man-made structures. The radical organic and untethered nature of God’s house will overturn every preconceived idea about how God works in His world.
I believe this movement will touch millions. Countless books will be written. Fashions will be formed. Mindsets will be challenged and perspectives shifted. Songs will be sung that shatter illusions sending arrows to the heart. Pictures still and moving will become frames that display a world beyond our own, inviting people to step inside. Poets, all laureate, attached and endorsed by the King, will shape potent words of purpose.
I believe entrepreneurs will engage with higher powers and wisdom from another world, bringing answers to the table unattainable by common minds. Man’s genius will pale when Heaven’s partners step up to the table. Money will roll into the hands of a multitude of heroes whose call is the crafting of hearts and minds for Kingdom.
The cracks are already showing in the shell that has held us earthbound. Pressure and a growing sense of purpose is pushing hard from our heart demanding expression, shedding fears like downy feathers and growing wings that will cause us to soar.
It is a day when the Ekklesia, the called out and anointed ones, shake the grave clothes of religiousity and dress and dance to a different drum.
Nothing can stop the march of this holy house.
Not the devil, not the world, not politics or policies, not yesterday’s ways or conventions of now. The future is arriving before it is expected, and it’s those who have tasted the wonders of the world to come who are carrying the invitations.
Some will paint them, others sing the invite, others will hide the ticket between the leaves of a book. Some might carve the signpost, maybe even cook or craft the call so others can taste and see the goodness that awaits.
The call has gone out, and Larna and I are seed sowers. Our passionate intention is to seed faith and bury fears forever, so you can step up and step out. Jesus is bigger than any one of us, and our growth is exponential because we are part of something bigger than ourselves.
The purpose of a seed is a tree is a seed is a tree, until the vista is filled with fruit-bearing branches rooted in Christ and bringing the Kingdom to their sphere of influence.
The Lorax was right all along,
“It’s not about what it is. It’s about what it can become.”
Your influence may seem small, your circle constrained, but your branches will stretch beyond those walls as you create and share your world.
Soon and very soon the landscape will be changed.
And you are the change-maker!