Book buying and book reading habits have changed dramatically in the past decade. Gone are the days of judging a book by the fatness of its spine. Whether it’s 45 pages or 450, a book can be a life changer, and the instant availability at the click of button means we have more at our fingertips than ever before.
And it’s not only book reading that has changed beyond recognition, book writing has experienced a revolution too!
No longer are you stood in line waiting for a gatekeeper to give your book a thumbs up. You can choose yourself and publish freely and furiously to the biggest bookstore on the planet.
Technology has overtaken traditionalism and a new era has dawned for anyone who wants to share their words and worth with the world.
Don’t sit back thinking you must wait to be discovered before you put words on a page, put your words out where they can be read and let the discovery take care of itself. My encouragement to you is to learn well the art of “practicing in public”.
Kill perfectionism in a blitz of creative courage, and write and publish your book with all of its imperfections.
Instead of thinking you need to write the next great American novel, or a 21st Century classic, carve your way to a perennial bestseller with a small knife, one short book after another.
Lay your words as milestones on the road to fulfilling your destiny. Share the steps as you take them, not just after they have all been taken. Invite people to walk the road with you as you bring your wisdom to the table.
Remember this, your book is not about you. You don’t want your reader to be impressed by your eloquence. You want the reader to be impressed with themselves, when they internalise and apply what they learn from your writings!
The most significant Hero’s Journey is the reader’s journey, not your own. They are the hero of your story, and you act as a muse for their dreams and desires to become a bigger, better version of themselves.
Don’t deprive the world of this indescribable gift.
Words are powerful. The Scriptures say that in them we find the power of life and death.
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” (Proverbs 18:21 KJV)
Your words carry life.
Pages are panting, thirsty for your wisdom. Pick up your pen, punch your keys, and set them free!
How true! The gift of easy publication today is breathtaking. Thank you
for making the journey to final publication even easier with Christian
Creative Academy!