Believe me, I’m an expert at this.
I’ve had incredible seasons of hearing, and some frantic seasons of hustling.
I know which I prefer.
It’s hard to hear when you hustle.
Take a look at these fascinating verses from Ecclesiastes. I’ve concentrated the portions that were highlighted to me yesterday as I was praying:
“…be more ready to hear… let not thine heart be hasty… for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few. For a dream cometh through the multitude of business… For in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also divers vanities: but fear thou God.” (Ecclesiastes 5:1–7 KJV)
I just love that the Bible has so much great advice for life and business.
Let not they heart be hasty. Don’t run after every shiny thing that flys across your path.
Stay haevenly minded, instead of scurryinga round on earth desperate for some temporary sustenance or affirmation.
Take time to be quiet. Listen. Be ready to hear not hustle.
In a multitude of busy-ness you’ll dream up all sorts of plans and schemes, but many of them may well be vain because they are the brainchild of busyness and noise, rather thah divine direction.
Keep your eyes and heart on the Lord. Fear God.
I have to remind myself of this a hundred times a day…
Jesus first, everything else follows.