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A 3 Month Miracle
Lonnie Skinner’s journey from Bible teacher to published author is a testament to faith, perseverance, and the power of community. Through the Anointed Authors Program, he overcame roadblocks and embraced his calling. Discover how you too can fulfill your dream…
Receive Inner Strength Everyday and Share His Incredible News Everywhere The gospel is the centre furrow of every creative field. Jesus first, everything else follows.
Grit and Grace
Embrace the journey with grit and grace, knowing that God has a divine plan for each step you take. Though the path may be challenging, your dreams and visions are part of His greater design. Trust in His timing and…
Back To The Source
In success return to the Source. Self-reliance leads to empty cisterns, but humble dependence on God fills to overflow.
Start The Day Giving Something Away
While the world schemes for all it can get, we conceive for all we can give. Knowing this dear truth keeps us writing, making, moulding, learning and sharing.