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What’s Your ONE Thing?
Seeking God’s direction, you can replace overwhelming to-do lists with a purposeful success list, leading to extraordinary outcomes. What’s YOUR one thing?
Not Just A Noise
Don’t be a noise. Be a voice. Cut through the cacophony and bring something real. Don’t follow the herd trying to be heard. You’ll just blend in with the baying.
The Unconventional Power of Stay In Your Lane Thinking
Embracing your unique calling. Just as Paul stayed true to his divine mission, you too can find freedom and fulfillment in passionately pursuing your God-given path. Step into your lane with confidence, and let your authentic self shine through.
Your Creative Calling is a Place of Convergence
Discover the divine intersection of your gifts and God’s purpose, where prayer and creative calling converge to transform lives. Embrace your role in His plan, and watch new beginnings spring forth as you inspire others to step up and shine!
My Heart Rests In Knowing God
In chaos, trust God. Embrace His higher thoughts over anxiety, because trust conquers anxiety. Choose carefully what thoughts you “take” today when they land on your table.