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Are You Roasting or Resisting?
In a world that craves instant gratification, it’s easy to overlook the profound value of patience and diligence. Fulfillment comes from nurturing your God-given ideas with care and dedication.
From The Womb To The World
Embrace the divine spark within you and nurture Heaven-sent ideas yearning to come forth. Like seeds planted by God, your creativity is meant to flourish and bless the world. Don’t let your genius remain unborn…
Following Jesus Is a Team Sport
In the journey of faith and creativity, remember that following Jesus is a team sport. Surround yourself with a community that cheers you on, bolsters your belief, and reminds you of your divine potential. Together, we can inspire each other…
Are You A Reader?
Reading is a window to another soul’s perspective, inviting you into a dialogue that enriches your mind and spirit, offering a connection other mediums can’t match.
Stop Chasing, Start Choosing
In a world filled with distractions and endless pursuits, Paul’s prayer for the Philippians offers wisdom: choose what truly matters. Get still, listen, and let God guide your journey.