You don’t live in a vacuum. The world is swirling around you, looking for direction. What will you do? Join the maelstrom or choose to make your mark?
Staying on course during troublesome times is not always easy. You may feel that your voice is lost in the noise. But don’t quit speaking, don’t stop declaring. Most folks lurk in the shadows, listening for a note of hope, never daring to show their personality above the parapet.
It is only when another bold soul steps onto the field that courage rises.
The world with its swaggering bravado, shouts, “Thus far and no more”.
It lauds itself as the king of acceptance, tolerating any voice that wants to speak. So long as it says what the world wants to hear.
Renegade voices are silenced. Told to calm down. Quietly pressured by the words, “Who are you to make a difference?” Whispered with disdain.
Those voices that resist? The ones who stand up and say, “I’m ready to be counted, and what I say will count!” pierce the dark shroud of political correctness, and bring real meat to the table.
Your presence is requested.
The invitation has been sent to every special soul.
Creatives are being called to count and kick against the grey.
Some things are black and white, night and day, yes or no. These are the things you need to say. Not for politics, not for fame or fortune, but for the future of the ones who will hear your voice.
“Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].” (Romans 12:2 AMP)
Emboldened by your decision to stand up, stand out, and say what’s in your heart, they too will squirm free of satan’s grip. His slimy fingers will lose their hold, and Kingdom voices will rise in synchrony, shaping a new view of how things should be.
There will be no hiding in days to come, no sneaking in the shadows, hoping no one notices. Everything, the secrets of men’s hearts, squeezed into the light for all to see.
Learn the vicious art of authenticity. Vicious, that is, to the sensibilities of those who would silence your service.
The gentle art of real. Living open and vulnerable on the pages of history. A history only you can write.
Your living words populate the pages of the day with every breath you take, and your generosity feeds more hearts than you will ever know.
Others look to you, and your “yes” to yourself is the permission they need to step from the storm and begin to speak themselves.
This, my dear creative brother and sister, is a symphony. You are an instrument in the hand of the Maker. Go make something. Say something. Sing something. Let your genuine be heard.