My #1 tip to increase your creative capacity?
Practice in public.
Don’t wait ’til you’re the best you can be.
Become better where people can see…
the progress…
…you are making.
Don’t fear what people will say,
No one is reading or listening anyway.
(there’s a hard but liberating truth for you, especially in the beginning!).
And as you improve and hone your craft and communication, they will come.
One… by… one.
You’ll learn to resonate. To hum a spirit-filled tune that speaks the language of the heart.
And today.
Yes, today, not tomorrow,
…is the day you should start.
Start a blog. Upload a tune. Post your pictures. Begin a newsletter (You can get up to 10,000 subscribers for free with Convertkit). Just choose your avenue and take a step.
Putting yourself on the line so others see your talent will do wonders for your will power.
Do it for fun.
Do it for free.
Above all, do it every day.
Even if it’s just a short thought or a hurried scribble, like this one.

I promise, six months from now, you’ll be proud of all you’ve produced.