Have an agenda to help.
Love is the driving force of the universe.
Give yourself and your talents to help your fellow men.
And don’t be afraid to charge for it when it’s appropriate to do so.
Freely given, freely give doesn’t apply to every transaction in life.
Why am I touching on this? Because many people, and sometimes especially Christians, struggle with this. I know I do.
Whenever you share your value in a generous and genuine manner, an exchange takes place. Often, the simplest way for this to occur is monetary.
I say this as someone who often struggles with their worth. I won’t lie. I find it hard sometimes to place value on my own contributions, despite willingly and eagerly investing for many years (and many dollars) in the contributions of others.
Sometimes is easier to spot the gold that someone else brings to the table than to recognise just how valuable your own treasure of knowledge, expertise and experience is.
My prayer today is that Father would open your eyes to the wealth you carry, give you the wisdom to package it in a way that’s accessible to others, and that you’ll be richly blessed in return.
Wealth begins within
The rich stores of your heart are given to you by God for you to steward. I think one of the greatest missions in life is to discover ways in which to distribute your gifts in ways that benefit others.
I like this thought provoking quote by Mark Twain:
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” —Mark Twain
The why part is almost always outward-looking. We exist not to consume but to create, distribute, bless and benefit the world around us. To be a contributor.
Using Your Gifts
Peter urged:
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)
Books, courses, coaching, and this Faithful Creative newsletter are some of the ways I seek to distribute the wealth I carry on the inside.
Believe me, it would be easy to discount my contribution.
To compare myself to others and cultivate a diminished and dim view of my donations to my fellow humans. To disqualify myself because of all of my glaring inadequacies. To sideline my hopes and desires and settle for a road that doesn’t demand that I overcome insecurities or expose my weaknesses so often.
I can accept my limitations, quit worrying, and get on with the job of serving in the best way I can despite my messiness and imperfections. To simply and honestly share the journey.
Who knows? Maybe something I say will hit home and help someone?
The same is true for you. Don’t disqualify yourself.
How can you bake your brilliance into something that blesses others?
Think about it.