So many starters, so few finishers.
It’s easy to begin but hard to complete.
Why is this?
This entry into a new venture is often exciting, filled with unknowns that make you salivate.
Then reality hits and the unknowns become knowns. You know that this is harder than you first thought!
Passion wanes and impatience runs to seek a new adventure…
and so the cycle continues.
Intensity vs Consistency
In Christian and creative circles there’s much talk about passion.
Follow your passion, we’re told.
The problem is, passion, as important as it is, is insufficient to take you over.
Intensity or zeal will carry you so far, but often not over the hump. As resistant pressure rises and gravity comes into play passion must be backed by persistence. Both work together to push you uphill, over the top and rolling with the ease of mastery down the other side.

The best way to put persistence to work is consistency.
Consistency will take you a lot further than intensity. So many people make the mistake of pushing like a crazy person for a few weeks, then burning out their reserves of willpower and rolling right back to where they started, wondering why things didn’t work.

Intensity is needed. Starting from stationary requires that the engines fire.
But the effortless power behind motion is momentum. Where the weight of yesterday’s actions propel you through the following day.
To FINISH and complete what you begin requires this commitment to consistency.
That’s one reason I like “daily” as a rhythm for creation.
Daily leaves little wiggle room for excuses.
Small daily steps add up.
Creativity compounds.
and step
daily step
you’ll reach