What do you do when you ain’t feelin’ it?
When the engine isn’t humming and inspiration seems a universe away?
My suggestion…
It’s a verb.
Verb: continue in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Despite being a writer, my English language skills are as rusty as the old school I used to attend as a child.
But I do remember this:
A verb is a “doing” word.
DO your way THROUGH.
The word persist originated in the mid-16th century from the Latin persistere (per- ‘through, steadfastly’ + sistere ‘to stand’).
Press through resistance and do something. Stand strong in your conviction that God has called you in this direction and take a step.
However small.
Sure, every day cannot be a home run, but you can get to first base.
Never let a day go by without at least one small action toward your biggest, most audacious goals.
It may seem like nothing, pointless or pathetic, but press through anyway.
Over time you’ll build a persistence muscle that exerts more pressure in forward motion than resistance presses to back you up.
It will get easier, and even on days when tiredness or discouragement comes knocking, you’ll stand up and step steadfastly through.
Pause and think about that.
But not for too long…
Now stop thinking and go do it.