The word for “Spirit” in the Scriptures is ‘breath’.
Inspiration literally speaks of God’s breathing within us, exhaling blessing to the world through our words and creativity. Whether in a song, a poem, a picture or an idea expressed every artist craves inspiration.
But is inspiration something mysterious? Is it the wind on the waters moving where it will, while we chase the muse hoping for a touch of genius?
I honestly think not. Papa is far more practical than we have been led to believe. In one sense He is a pragmatist. Yes He’s an idealist. In fact, He IS the ideal, but He’s looking for doers, for pray-ers, for action-takers who climb out of boats and throw their nets on the other side. The kind of folks who take delight in the impossible and who are willing to put feet to their faith.
It’s “the doer who is blessed” says James:
“…the doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.”
James 1:25 KJV
Stick with it people. Men and women of action.
“But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God—the free life!—even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is no distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action.”
James 1:25 MESSAGE
There’s something to be said for just doing the work.
A writer….
A singer…
A painter…
And in the doing we discover inspiration. The exertion of creativity places a demand on the Creator who lives in your heart, and something is unlocked. It’s just as surprising to you as to everyone else when it flows, because you tap a Source not entirely your own.
You are not a drink from a jug, a broken cistern that holds no water, we are drawing from an endless supply, a subterranean ocean of inspired thought looking for a way into the world.
YOU are the way!
I love the story of the lepers in Luke 17. I know this is stretching the meaning, but the principle will speak.
Jesus told them. “Go show yourselves”.
In all their imperfection.
Showing up and showing your work is an essential part of the inspired life. Perfectionism is a leprosy that causes artists to hide from the world. Shame keeps so many closeted.
All the while the Father is calling us out from the shadows, willing us to shine.
“As they went they were healed”.
In the going and the showing they found healing and wholeness.
Oh, how true this is. For all the challenges that entrepreneurial artistic life can throw at us, there is liberty in boldly moving forward with your dreams.
God is not waiting for the perfect ones. If He were we would still be in darkness.
No gospels would have been written. No prophet would have dared open their lips.
This is the glory of the gospel, amplified even more by the fact He can use imperfect people like you and I to accomplish His purposes.
His breath in your breath. His inspired ideas infused with your personality. The fusion of Father and son, Daddy and daughter, is intoxicating and magnificent.
The glory of Christ is not just His divinity, it is His humanity. 100% man, 100% God. The mystery and majesty of incarnation.
Mark, commonly held as Peter’s penman, reflects the urgent nature of the storyteller.
Luke’s masterly portrayal of Jesus life and the early church is thorough and meticulous in detail – doctorly in its precision.
John, the beloved, dives deep into the affections of God.
Matthew, once thought a traitor to his people, weaves the Jewish roots of Jesus and his ministry to the tapestry of the Savior’s tale.
Each of the writers used by God to share His Word were unique. Each added flavour and flair to the words that the hand of God recorded through their obedience.
And so it is with you.
God is not waiting for you to be good or talented or worthy before He makes His mark on the world through your peculiar gifting.
He’s ready right now, and as you go, as you show, His inspiration will flow!