I’m more of a both/and man than an either/or.
In Britain especially, I’ve often found people pray way too politely. Loud, insistent, dare I say pugnacious prayer would be revolutionary for many.
Anyone acquainted with me for some years will know that this was my go-to. Turn up the volume and shake the rafters.
But God has been leading me in another direction recently—the way of silence.
That’s the beauty of prayer. There’s a vast spectrum of expression, and God wants to introduce us to them all. Each is like a new tool in the box crafted carefully by the hand of the Master to accomplish a specific work in the spirit realm – and in the heart.
It’s interesting to me that the words LISTEN and SILENT comprise the same letters.
Some call it contemplative prayer, but the Lord is not calling me to contemplate. What I’m sensing is more Shut Up and Listen Up. Not sit and think, certainly not navel-gazing, there’s something tantalising about His invite. Like He’s saying, come here, and I’ll show you something behind the curtain that you’ve not yet seen in full.
And the ticket price? A season of silence in the secret place.
It is always exciting to me when the Holy Ghost leads in a particular direction, especially in prayer. I know when He does it’s because there are new wonders He wants to introduce me to.
What about you?
What is the Holy Ghost inviting you to explore this year?