Needless to say, the creative life is a roller coaster of ups and downs.

In following Isaac through Genesis 26 we see him head down to the valley. The valley leads him to Reheboth, an open place of influence and success. But even here Isaac did not put down roots.
Financial success or audience reach alone is not enough to satisfy the deeper cry of the heart. Our lives are not self-centered, and because of that success on the surface is not the ultimate destination.
You are called to make a difference.
There’s a purpose for your prosperity.
There’s a way ‘up’ even from here to a higher place.
“And he went up from thence” (Genesis 26:23 KJV)
You may well have tasted success, scaled the sales totem, and stood atop reputation mountain – a pedestal life plastered across the pages of short history. Why then the ache on the inside?
Were you not told if you reached these dizzy heights of income your life would be sweet as nectar? Is this not the place you supposed you’d feel whole?
A broad and open marketplace is magnificent, but not the end of the road.
Moving from prospering to aligning with your true purpose is the aim.
The power to get wealth is indeed a great promise…
“But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth…”
But there’s a reason beyond the getting that leads to greatness…
“…that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” (Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV)
A covenant purpose is the first impulse that stirs you to share and use your creativity to contribute to others, and the final destination where all of your experience and passion spills into a purpose bigger than yourself or your own wealth or comfort.
Culture wants us to come crawling from the valley with our trophies and set them up in our own honour. To stretch out and enjoy the luxury of our labours in the wide pastures of Reheboth.
Covenant calls us upward from here to something more enduring.
God may indeed lift you up in due time, but hold your course and don’t be diverted to set your tent toward the gates of Sodom as Lot did.
Just because pastures are green and flourishing doesn’t mean they are the end of your journey.
How many sincere faithful-preneurs have got caught here, diverting from the call to consume and accumulate wealth instead of stretching to the next well where something far greater than just prosperity will be found.
Isaac went up to Beersheba – the seventh well of the oath.
It is here that we’ll see great become greatness… but that’s for another post.