Continuing and concluding our journey through Genesis 26 and on into the tabernacle builders of Exodus, I want to encourage you in your own creative and entrepreneurial pilgrimage.
Last time we looked at Exodus 35:10:
“Every wise hearted among you shall come, and make all that the LORD hath commanded”
An array of artists and artisans harnessed their gifts and in worshipful synchrony brought God’s invisible plans into plain sight.
I believe you can do the same. That God is still today calling gifts and skills into the sanctuary and sending them forth with marching orders to deliver life-changing creations to the world.
Does that mean we’ll all be household names? Hit the billboards and blitz the media? Does successfully using our gifts guarantee an abundant increase in income?
It could be all or none of the above.
The key factor is not the outcome, it’s obedience.
No outcomes are even possible without first steps of obedience being taken.
When God told Isaac to sow in the hard famished ground the outcomes were uncertain. When Israel passed through the Red Sea into an inhospitable desert the future was not crystal clear.
Each had to take their next step in faith, believing God for the increase and provision He promises to those who faithfully follow.
And as we keep taking those steps, the possibilities open up, and hitherto hidden potential is uncorked.
I cannot promise prosperity in the moment, but I can guarantee that every deposit of obedience service you render will not go unpaid. Here or in eternity there will not be one tear left unbottled, one act of grace unnoticed or unrewarded, or one decision to pour your creativity out for the King ignored.
One sows. Another waters. God gives the increase.
Sow bountifully.
Water others with prayer, praise, recognition, correction, and encouragement.
Let the One we honour with our gifts and our giving bring the rewards.