Your creativity and the stories you have to tell are important.
Stories and our mission in life do not need to be so epic Hollywood is hounding down our door in order to be significant.
But for too many people, their stories and ideas sit idle.
I have some advice to ensure your value doesn't languish on a hard drive, but dangers lie hidden here too. I wonder if you’ll see them?
Just Do It!
A phrase coined by Nike, “Just Do It!”
This is the entrepreneurs’ battle cry.
Action-taking is essential.
Ideas not acted on cannot impact anyone. Add energy to the creator equation to push an idea out into the world, even if it’s embryonic, and it has the potential to reach people and change lives.
You are a change agent, but things happen only when you exercise your agency and do something with the ideas that you have.
Humble Uncertain Beginnings
I’ve spent the last two days at a retreat with 30 other authors and entrepreneurs. In conversation, you’ll discover that their success is almost always wrapped in their story. More than once, I listened in conversation to humble beginnings fraught with uncertainty. None were guaranteed success. They simply tried something new. Stepped out on an idea. Placed enough value on an inspired thought to have a go.
Each story was different, uniquely personal, but all had one thing in common.
There came a point where they had to stop dreaming and start doing.
It started small, and with hard work and dedication, it grew into something remarkable.
The danger here?
Always doing. Hustle, hustle, hustle.
A lop-sided leaning on achieving that leads to burnout and disillusion.
Alongside the accolades, there are also plenty of stories of crushing defeat where reality caught up with the idea that just “doing more” or “working harder” was the answer to all woes.
I always encourage people, “Hear don’t Hustle”.
The Holy Spirit is here to lead you into works that He has already prepared for you to walk in.
Read this carefully:
“For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].” (Ephesians 2:10 AMP)
It’s often a journey to discover the “works God has prepared”, and you’ll only discover them in the doing. Stepping up and stepping out, sometimes failing along the way, is how the Lord prepares YOU for the things He has prepared for you.
But step by step you’ll find your stride.
The works He has prepared are comfortable to wear. Tailor made to walk in.
Be a doer. Don’t be afraid to have a go. But also walk in step with the One who has gone before you. It will save you a lot of detours and ensure that you find delight in what you do because you’re not running after someone’s else’s dream.