Although Paul the apostle stated, “I have become all things to all men”, he was not implying that he jumped from one thing to another to fit in and please everybody. He remained true to his convictions and his calling, knowing himself and what the Lord had entrusted him with. He then expressed that calling in ways that would connect with the particular people he was reaching out to.
You can do the same.
No one is equipped to be all things. God is specific in His design, and He created an interdependent Body with each part playing its special role. You have your lane to passionately pursue. Don’t be fearful to step into it and put your foot down on the accelerator.
When you realise this, it is freeing because you no longer lament what you are not, and you learn to celebrate who you are and the particular works you are called to.
Unconventional Callings
I may not be an international crusade evangelist. I may not be an apostle or a prophet. I may not be a pastor in the typical sense of the word.
But like you all, I have a calling.
And with calling comes equipping to fulfil.
However, I did have to embrace that calling and step into it. The outworking of God’s inward calling doesn’t happen by accident. Feet must accompany faith and you have to step out.
God's message to me was: "Words are my way."
The longer I ran around trying to figure things out, comparing myself to the conventional idea of how ministry should look and operate, the more frustrated I became. When I settled in my heart to lay my fear and ego aside and just obey the promptings of God it opened up a deeper acceptance of myself that has profoundly impacted how I choose to show up.
Speaking to a group of Christian business people yesterday I pointed out that as long as you are “trying” to be authentic, you’re probably not. Authenticity is not something we try, its something we are. The more self-accepting you become, the more authentic your communication will come accross.
You’re no longer trying to please people or sound a certain way. You are simply living out what you carry inside the best way you know how.
There is not one size fits all. Relationship with and growing in God doesn't work that way.
Your calling is not conventional.
As a Christian creative the Lord has a mission in mind that may well be so far outside the “ordinary” box it makes others scratch their heads. That’s ok.
As my friend, Ann, reminded me, “we are a peculiar people”.
To which I answered, “Yes, and some of us more peculiar than others!”
Embrace your weird and share your work with the world.
I can assure you, there are many others out there looking to follow your courage as you step out.