At one time you were so minuscule you could not be seen with a naked eye. You may even feel just as insignificant today as you did at conception, hidden in the crowd and voiceless. You would not be alone.
It’s easy in the mass of humanity to feel like a nobody, especially with the curated stream of success stories and gorgeous selfies we gorge on. It can get to the point where you feel as powerless to make an impact as that fragile embryo swimming in its mother’s juices.
But God can see.
He does not need a microscope to notice you.
He does not need a hearing aid to discern your voice.
He saw you when you were knitted in your momma’s womb.
“For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139:13 AMPLIFIED
“My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought [as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths” Psalms 139:15 AMPLIFIED
You are significant.
It is easy to fall prey to the powers of the terrible twins, the crushers of creativity, and dampers of dreams…
Procrastination and Perfectionism.
Procrastination says, “tomorrow”, and perfectionism takes it a step further and says, “never”. Taken together they have stolen a thousand dreams and prevented countless initiatives.
When Jesus said, “be ye perfect even as you father in Heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48) He was not suggesting that you take a lifetime polishing your halo before you step out and help someone. Thankfully, Jesus took care of the perfect piece of the pie, liberating you to step out boldly in all your weird and unpolished ways and learn, grow and improve as you go.
Don’t need 3 degrees and a PHD before you put a pen to paper.
Take a step today and throw caution to the wind. Start where you are at and make a move.
The Bible says,
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin,”
Zechariah 4:10 NLT
God rejoices at your small beginnings, even when others may scoff. Stepping out in obedience to the promptings of your heart will lead you to the places God prepared while you were being formed in the womb.
He knew even then exactly what He was forming you for, and it is now your daily privilege to discover and become it.
But how do you become that big, awesome thing your Father envisaged?
In small daily actions.
By turning your hopes into habits.
As a writer, I write every day. Not reams and reams, not with an epic in mind, not with the strain of expectation squeezing my pipes. I simply sit down and prioritize the activity that will gradually lead me toward the fulfilment of my hope. Faith gives feet (or in my case, fingers) to the picture God has plastered on my heart.
I am a writer. I am also becoming a writer.
Don’t wait for permission to call those things that are “not yet” as though they already are, and then take action in the direction you want to follow.
Painter? Get out your brushes.
Singer songwriter? Pen a few lines.
Marketer? Learn your trade by plying your copy and forming your funnels.
Teacher, trainer, or coach? What can you teach and who right now, from where you are. Don’t wait for the world to knock on your door and ask for your help. Head out to highways and byways and find someone you can empower with your presence.
Every. Single. Day.
Line by line. Song by song. Image by image. Life by life.
That’s how change occurs, and the embryonic idea grows into something hairy and audacious!