The past few days we’ve talked about growing.
First, about submission to God during seasons of challenge being the avenue to expansion.
Then about the importance of the Word as nourishment and sustenance for the inner man.
Today I want to expand on those thoughts with…
Two Sure-Fire Ways to Grow
Tracking my own personal growth trajectory I can confidently say that two elements are always present in the mix.
- Receiving
- Giving
Without both of these your potential is stunted.
Don’t live a bonsai life when the Lord is calling you to be a redwood!
Receiving is essential.
Just as the body needs food to grow, our spirit needs nourishment from the Word of God and healthy tables in the spirit.
Nourish your mind and your spirit daily. Learn and grow with intention, seeking out mentors and looking deep into the mirror of God’s Word to learn who you truly are.
Don’t be a forgetful hearer. You need to know that you are far greater on the inside than you imagine.
“For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.”
(James 1:23–25 NKJV)
But there’s a second factor you can’t ignore.
What goes in must come out.
You need to flex and extend to build your muscle in the spirit.
It is not enough to gorge on content, even solid sermons and high-octane self-growth material, and never hand it on.
Someone who continually consumes with no outlet grows fat and sluggish, ever learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7).
A body of water with no outlet goes stagnant.
You have a body of water in your spirit that’s intended to flow out to others, bringing life wherever it flows.
Jesus put it this way:
“He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”
(John 7:38 KJV)
And now I want to share a secret…
Just because you don’t stand in a pulpit doesn’t relegate you to silence.
There are so many avenues to express and share your learnings, your stories, and the greatness you carry on the inside nowadays.
My wife Larna enjoys instagram as an avenue for expression and creativity. My daughter and one of my sons love Youtube. Another is a screenwriter and actor (yes, we’re an unusual family).

For me, writing books has made all the difference.
I’ve written many.
And many have not sold.
Some have.
But my primary purpose has not been sales. Sometimes they are the happy byproduct of a greater goal.
Through writing a book, you will hone your wisdom, crystallizing your value into something others can consume and be blessed by.
And in the process, you will discover yourself.
“But what do I have to share?” You may ask.
- A lifetime of experience.
- A heartful of heroic revelations waiting to be shared.
- Children of imagination and stories with significance.
- Takes on life that teach.
- Perspectives that will jolt people from their sleep.
- Poems and potential.
- Love and life without borders.
It’s all in there waiting to leap onto the page and make a difference in someone else’s life.
When we empty the storehouse and give away what we’ve got we leave room to receive more. God fills the vacuum, and He has an endless supply.
Have you ever considered writing a book?
Not so you can become the next bestseller, but so you can grow thereby?
Make it your mission not only to receive but to hand on what you’ve got to help and encourage someone else.
Find your avenue and let it flow.
With utmost faithful love,
PS: My next Anointed Authors program begins soon. I have 20 places waiting to be filled where I will work personally with a fresh group of first-time Christian authors.
If you choose to, you can be one of them.