I even had a knitting badge.
Now there’s a sign of a true modern man!
Recently my mom was clearing out for the new year and lo and behold, 40 years in storage, she produced my Cub Scout jumper. On the tiny arms were numerous badges of accomplishment. Gardening, cooking, campfires, drama (plenty of that over the years). There was even a knitting badge!

Roll through the years and I added other marks of mastery to the list.
Youth leader. Church planter and pastor. Businessman. Author. The arms of the jumper get longer and longer the more years I stack.
The Lord showed me several years ago an insight that keeps everything in perspective though.
Praying one day I had a vision.
I stepped into Heaven after a long and fruitful stay on earth and proudly approached the arrival gate.
Before I got there I had to pass through customs. A burly angel stood as I strode to step through the detector into glory, but the angel stopped me.
He looked at the clothes I was wearing, and calmly informed me that I could not take certain things through. Looking down I saw numerous badges and labels of honor on my outfit; “Church pastor”, “small group leader”, “administrator”, “artist”, “intercessor” and several others. I could add a few more now. “Christian businessman”, “coach and mentor”…
“You’ll have to remove the badges, sir. They don’t belong to you.”
But these were the badges I had worn all my life. These were the accomplishments I pointed to to assert my authority and scale my measure.
The angel continued. “They belong to Jesus, He gave you stewardship of His gifts for a while, but now you have to return them to Source before you can step through.”
A steward of His gifts
One by one I placed the badges of my earthly stewardship in the tray.
By the time we were finished I was nothing more than myself. No labels or titles, no badges or certificates, no letters after my name or accolades to carry. Just me.
I would not stand before Jesus with anything but gratitude. That was all I was allowed to carry because that’s what I had in my heart, not my arm.
“Do you have anything to declare?” asked the angel before I proceeded.
“Only the blood of Jesus,” I replied as I stepped forward. “I declare the blood of Jesus!”
“Thus says the LORD: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches. But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the LORD.”
Jeremiah 9:23-24 NKJV
Here’s a key that will open whatever door you are pushing.
Jesus first – everything else follows.
Jesus first – everything else follows.
Jesus first – everything else follows.