People buy from people. People buy from those they know, like, and trust. We are in the people business.
Everyone sharing their worth and bringing their unique value to the world’s table is in the people business.
A large slice of the prosperity pie is knowing who your people are. Who is that you are called to reach and whose life are you equipped to change for the better?
Let me encourage you to dig into this question.
Whether you’re an aspiring author, a would-be course creator, a blogging influencer or affiliate marketer, there will always be a crowd that you resonate with.
Believe me when I say, trying to reach everyone everywhere leads nowhere. In seeking to serve anyone you connect with no one.
The more precise you can be here the better, without getting anal. And don’t make your market demographic or psychographic research purely philosophical. Make it real.
These are YOUR people. The people YOU are designed to help, bless, and benefit.
The Bible talks about apostles. The word literally means a “sent one” or “one who is sent”.
In a very real way, you have an apostolic call to go out (even if virtually) and find the people to whom you’ve been sent by God to bless.
In response to this ongoing question my current answer, once all the steam, fluff, and market lingo has been boiled away is…
“I help creative Christians share their message online, so they can generate income and a lifestyle that fits with their personality and passion.”
The next question is, how do you serve those fine folks?
Often our answer to the who question will touch on this, as mine does above.
Go deeper now into the what. What is the methodology you use to help them?
Having a clear idea about what you do and how you help will not only clarify to your customers or prospects why they should work with you, it will also crystallize your own understanding of just how valuable what you bring to others really is.
Most of the time you’ll find your heart message and mission has a method hidden right in front of your nose.
Sometimes we are so close to what we do and how we do it we don’t see it straight away. We just do what we do, and don’t take the time to step back and consider the underlying transferable principles and processes that we have applied to generate the success we experience in a given arena.
Like with you who, take time to think about this how. With respect to helping you’re who, what do you do, and how do you do it?
Here’s where my prayers and observations of my own way of working have led me so far…
“I help creative Christians share their message online through a framework based on 5 core principles; faith, inspiration, education, application, and celebration. Taken together and put into practical daily action these principles remove roadblocks and transform ideas into real products, platforms, and publications that can change the world!”
Maybe you are one of my peeps?

Take a look at – this remarkable membership sets you on a year-long discovery of your own special brand of awesome and hand on gets you putting all of that inner wealth out to the world in ways that could quite literally change the world!