The well travelled path is sometimes the most dangerous one to take.
The ground there has been hardened by footfall, so progress is easy, but the end is determined. It’s the road that others have trampled many times before and is the way of least resistance.
As with most things, this thought has been inspired by the Master Himself, and especially the story He told of a farmer sowing seeds. You’ll find it in Luke chapter 8. I’m reading the Amplified.
The sower was clearly desiring to be a grower or he would not have sown in the first place. Each of the soils on the parable stage have something to teach us.
I’m assuming you too, want to grow? In influence, in your income, in your ability to communicate value?
This for me was the standout today:
“A sower went out to sow seed: and as he sowed, some fell on the well traveled path and was trodden underfoot, and the birds of the air ate it up.”
Luke 8:5
How tempting it is to stay safe and just “sow where we know”, stay within the bounds of our current experience and follow the crowd.
Sometimes on that pathway the revolutionaries who crave to chart a different route are shunned and shamed. How dare you challenge the status quo? How arrogant to think that you could rise above the norm and have explosive impact beyond your current circle!
But let’s face it, if something’s going to change something has to change.
The change begins when you step off the common path, when you grit your teeth and let the world know that you refuse to trample common ground.
Apologies for doubling up on parables, but the talents (Matthew 25) and the seeds have something in common.
Business in the Kingdom is a risk.
To please the King, you don’t bury your talents, you put them to dangerous use and multiply them.
To grow a harvest you throw your seeds from the bag. Some will not yield as you hope, others may be swallowed up in mixed motives, some may be scorched as you test and train and fail forward, but some will find their roots and begin to bear glorious fruit that far outstrips the effort.
You have something precious to sow into the field of the world, and today is the day to begin.
It may require stepping outside your comforts, but what do you have to lose? One day each of us will stand before the Master and give account of our stewardship.
More and more I look through this frame and see every reason to step out and have a go. I don’t want to be the dude with his head bowed holding the talent I buried in a hole under under the trodden road.
I long to hear the words, “Good and faithful”. Faithful sometimes gets confused with “safe and predictable.”
The “faithful” servants were not the ones who took the path of least resistance. They did not choose the safe way.
It may be better to split the world into its respective parts to clarify the lifestyle we are called to as Christian creatives.
Faith full.
Ask yourself today, if I am full of faith how will I act today. What will I do?
God is on your side, and He delights to prosper His people. Give Him something to work with, invite Him into your ideas, and miracles can happen!